Current Activities
Rio Algom Mining LLC has a current RML for a former uranium milling facility in the Lisbon Valley, San Juan County, Utah. The License includes groundwater monitoring requirements and concentration limits which are based on previous modeling approvals of an Application for Alternate Concentration Limits (ACLs), approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) per a May 11, 2004 License Amendment 66 (Source Materials License SUA-1119). The state of Utah obtained primacy to administer the Uranium Mill program in Utah from the NRC in August 2004, and the DRC included the conditions previously approved by the NRC in the License. Based on DRC concerns regarding the ACL concentrations, the ground water monitoring compliance requirements and compliance limits were revised and included in an amendment of the License on March 6, 2006 (Amendment 2). All changes to the concentration limits were based on ground water concentration break through curves (groundwater model) included in the Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Plan (LTGMP).
Compliance History
- Rio Algom History of Enforcement
About Radiation
For those wanting to learn more about Radiation, we recommend Radiation Answers, sponsored by the Health Physics Society.
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
Adam Wingate ([email protected])—Compliance Activities
(385) 499-0293
- 02/08/2017 Public Participation Summary
- Amendment #6-License Renewal
- Public Notice
- Amendment 6, Renewal Clean Final
- Amendment 6, Renewal Red Line Strike Out Final
- Renewal Technical Evaluation Final
- Documents Referenced in Review
- 02/06/2012 Radioactive Materials License
- 01/2012 Public Participation Summary
- Attachment 1: Public Comments
- Attachment 2: Redline Version of Final License
Supplemental Site Assessment
- 11/30/2023: Stipulated Compliance Order for the Corrective Action Assessment Work Plan, Rio Algom Mining LLC Lisbon Facility, San Juan County, Utah, Radioactive Materials License Number UT 1900481
- 11/16/2022: Corrective Action Assessment Work Plan Rio Algom Mining LLC Lisbon Facility, San Juan County, Utah, Radioactive Materials License Number UT 1900481
- 09/28/2022: Addendum Background Groundwater Quality Report,Rio Algom Mining LLC Lisbon Facility, San Juan County, Utah, Radioactive Materials License Number UT 1900481
- 05/31/2022: RAML Outline for the Corrective Action Assessment Work Plan, Lisbon Facility
- 03/31/2022: DWMRC Confirmatory Action Letter Regarding Review of the RAML HSSA4 Report, Water Balance Modeling Report, and Background Groundwater Quality Report
- 10/29/2021: Rio Algom Mining LLC, Lisbon Facility Hydrogeological Supplemental Site Assessment Phase 4 Report
- 10/29/2021: Rio Algom Mining LLC, Lisbon Facility Natural Recharge and Water Balance Modeling Report
- 03/22/2021: DWMRC Initial Review of the Rio Algom Mining Background Groundwater Quality Report Lisbon Facility
- 05/29/2020: Rio Algom Mining LLC, Background Groundwater Quality Report Lisbon Facility
- 08/06/2019: DWMRC Stipulation and Consent Agreement for the Phase 4 RAML Work Plan
- 06/21/2019: RAML Hydrogeological Supplemental Assessment Phase 4 Work Plan
- 04/18/2019: DWMRC Request for Additional Information Letter Regarding Review of the August 30, 2018, RAML Hydrogeological Supplemental Site Assessment
- 08/30/2018: Rio Algom Lisbon Facility, Hydrogeological Supplemental Site Assessment
- 08/30/2018: Rio Algom Lisbon Facility, Tailing Impoundments Water Balance Modeling Report
- 01/27/2017: Rio Algom Lisbon Facility, Geotechnical Investigation Report, Upper and Lower Tailings Impoundments
- 04/06/2017 Stipulation and Consent Agreement — Approval for Extension of Time
- 03/30/2017 Rio Algom Mining LLC Stipulation and Consent Agreement — Request for Extension of Time
- 05/09/2016 DWMRC/Rio Algom Duly Executed Stipulation and Consent Agreement.
- 03/04/2016 Rio Algom LLC Workplan Addendum 2 — Tailings Characterization and Water Balance Assessment.
- 01/29/2016 Utah DWMRC, Approval Letter for Monitoring Well and Boring Locations
- 01/12/2016 Rio Algom Mining LLC, Lisbon Work Plan Addendum, Well and Boring Locations
- 12/03/2015 Rio Algom Mining LLC, Work Plan for the Lisbon Site Assessment
- 10/17/2014 Utah DWMRC Review Comments
- 07/23/2014 Rio Algom Mining LLC, Lisbon Supplemental Site Assessment Report?
- 07/23/2013 Stipulation and Consent Agreement for the Phase 2 Work Plan
- 03/07/2013 Work Plan Phase 2 of Supplemental Site Assessment to Address Out-of-Compliance Status at Trend Wells RL-1 and EF-8
- 03/07/2013 Phase I Report for Supplemental Site Assessment to Address Out-of-Compliance Status at Trend Wells RL-1 and EF-8
- 09/10/2012 Stipulation and Consent Agreement for the Rio Algom Supplemental Site Assessment
- 08/02/2012 Rio Algom Revised Final Work Plan Supplemental Site Assessment to Address Out-of-Compliance Status at Trend Wells RL-1 and EF-8
- 05/01/2012 DRC Request for Information
- 04/13/2012 Rio Algom Supplemental Site Assessment To address Out-of-Compliance Status at Trend Wells RL-1 and EF-8
- 02/06/2012 DRC Request for Information
- 01/09/2012 DRC Technical Memorandum
- 12/13/2011 Rio Algom Supplemental Site Assessment To address Out-of-Compliance Status at Trend Wells RL-1 and EF-8