Department of Environmental Quality

EPA Envirofact Widgets

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed and provided the following widgets as a service to our citizens. Each provides access to a specific type of environmental information. In most cases, simply enter the name of a city, town, state, or county to see related information.

Air Facility System (AFS)

What facilities in my area of interest produce air emissions as reported by the Air Facility System?

Biennial Reporting System (BRS)

What detailed hazardous waste information for large quantity generators do you have for my area of interest as reported by Biennial Reporting System?


What are the potential sites identified by the Brownfields program in my area of interest?

Cleanups in My Community

What facilities in my area of interest are in the process of being cleaned up, or have been cleaned up, by programs falling under the Cleanups in My Community banner?

Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO)

Find out information about how facilities in your neighborhood are complying.

Envirofacts Multisystem

What facilities in my area of interest have reported data to any of the systems in Envirofacts?

Envirofacts is a searchable data warehouse of environmental information on emissions to air and water, compliance information, facility data, and hazardous waste.

Facility Registry System (FRS)

What facilities in my area of interest report to more than one EPA program system as reported by Facility Registry System?

Information Collection Rule (ICR)

What water microbial and disinfection byproduct data do you have for my state as reported by Information Collection Rule?


Search for a wide variety of environmental information based on your location. My Environment gives snapshots of environmental information about a specific location and also maps”shout-outs” that people can submit, praising local environmental activities.

Permit Compliance System (PCS)

What companies have been issued permits to discharge waste water into rivers in my area of interest as reported by the Permit Compliance System?

Radiation Information Database (RADInfo)

What facilities in my area are regulated by EPA regulations for radiation and radioactivity as reported by Radiation Information Database?

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

What facilities in my area of interest have reported hazardous waste activities as reported by Resource Conservation and Recovery Act?

Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS)

What public water systems for my county have violations reported in Envirofacts as reported by Safe Drinking Water Information System?


What potential hazardous waste sites that are part of Superfund exist in my area of interest?

Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)

What facilities in my area of interest have toxic releases as reported by Toxics Release Inventory?

UV Index

What is the UV Index for my area of interest today?

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