Pollution Prevention: The Foundation of Sustainability
Pollution Prevention (P2) means reducing or eliminating pollution at the source so that it never enters the environment in the first place. Instead of managing pollution after it has been created or at the “end of the pipe,” P2 focuses on first eliminating waste; then if the waste can’t be eliminated, try to find ways…
Water Conservation Day
WHEREAS, water is a basic and essential need of every living thing and is a finite natural resource of great value and importance to every citizen, business, and interest in Utah; and WHEREAS, in order to assure a reliable supply of high quality drinking water now and for future generations; and WHEREAS, water quality protection…
Irrigation Zone Map
Outside watering for lawns and gardens can place a significant demand on public water supplies.
Radiation Control Related Resources
Related Links Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD) Formed in l968, the major purpose of its establishment was to serve as a common forum for state radiation control programs in the United States to communicate with each other. A secondary purpose was to serve as a forum for the state radiation control programs…
Perpetual Care of Commercial Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (Five-Year Review)
DEQ has submitted to the Legislative Management Committee its report on the Five-Year Review of Financial Assurance and Perpetual Care of Commercial Hazardous Waste and Radioactive Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities.
Impacts of Radiation from Aboveground Nuclear Tests on Southern Utah
The United States conducted 210 aboveground nuclear weapons tests in the lower 48 states and Pacific Ocean between July 1945 and November 1962.
Negative Ion Technology:
Consumer Products and RadiationThe Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) is committed to protecting public health and the environment by ensuring that human exposures to radiation are kept to levels that are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The goal of radiation protection is to prevent or minimize exposures that provide no benefit.
Consumer Products and Radiation
Many consumer items contain radiation, either as a function of their operation or as a naturally occurring material that’s included as part of the product.
Household Hazardous Waste
On average, every Utah citizen generates four pounds of garbage daily. With 2 million Utah residents, that means our landfills could receive 8 million pounds daily or 2.9 billion pounds yearly.
Utah State Water Agencies
Utah State Water Agencies Within Utah State Government there are several agencies besides the Department of Environmental Quality that deal with water issues.
Local Health Departments and District Engineers
Assistance regarding drinking water, mercury, and other issues is available locally in Utah. There are 13 local health departments in the state, each of which has specialists that can help you with your specific issue. Furthermore, there are four Department of Environmental Quality district engineers who can provide assistance. Local Health Departments Box Elder, Cache,…
Potential for Recovering, Processing, and Re-manufacturing Recyclables Within the State of Utah: Executive Summary 1995-2010
This report, entitled “The Potential for Recovering, Processing and Remanufacturing Recyclables Within the State of Utah,” has been prepared under contract with the State of Utah, Department of Community and Economic Development, Division of Community Development, Office of Energy Services, by the Southwest Public Recycling Association (SPRA).
What You Can Do
Getting Started Ideas By Topic Air Quality Home Mercury Pollution Prevention at Work Radon Recycle The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control has a fairly comprehensive selection of Recycling Information on its Website. Other sources of recycling information include: Water Speak Up Stay In Touch
What You Can Do For Business:
Pollution Prevention (P2)Pollution Prevention (P2) means reducing or eliminating pollution at the source so that it never enters the environment in the first place.
What You Can Do At Home:
Pollution Prevention (P2)Every action that we take impacts the environment, either helping or hurting it. DEQ is committed to helping you learn how to reduce your environmental footprint through Pollution Prevention, known as P2, practices.