Day 12 Commit to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Earth Day
Calculate you carbon footprint again, this time including all the actions you took during the 12 Days of Earth Day.
Day 11 Sign Up for Blue Skies: Earth Day
Help reduce emissions by signing up for Rocky Mountain Power’s Blue Skies Program.
Day 10 Attend an Earth Day Event: Earth Day
Here are some of the Earth Day activities around the state that you and your family can attend to Celebrate Earth Day!
Day 9 Conserve Water: Earth Day
There are lots of ways you can conserve water both inside and outside your home.
Day 8 Buy Green Cleaning Products or Make Your Own: Earth Day
Using green cleaning products can help protect your family’s health and the environment.
Day 7 Schedule Maintenance on Your Car or Tune Up Your Bike: Earth Day
Regular car maintenance improves your car’s performance and reduces your emissions.
Day 6 Reduce Your Energy Use: Earth Day
April 15 There are plenty of easy ways for you to save energy, and most take only a few minutes of your time: Turn off lights and appliances when you leave the room Set your water heater at 120 degrees Replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs Unplug battery chargers when not in use Wash clothes in…
Day 5 Get Your Greens: Earth Day
Eating greens and buying local can make a big difference in your carbon footprint.
Day 4 Stop Junk Mail: Earth Day
Did you know that you receive approximately 41 pounds of junk mail per year?
Day 3 Conduct a Household Hazardous Waste Inventory: Earth Day
Household hazardous wastes (HHW) are products in your home and garage that are poisonous, flammable, corrosive, or toxic.
Day 2 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Earth Day
Practice the three R’s: reduce how much you use, reuse what you can and recycle the rest.
Day 1 Calculate Your Carbon Footprint: Earth Day
Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted as a result of your activities. There are two kinds of footprints—one primary and the other secondary.
Earth Day
Clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, neighborhoods free from toxic materials. Since 1970, Earth Day has been a time to recognize how important our environment is to all of us and to take action to make our world a better place to live.
West Desert Sites
Jump to: Dugway Envirocare MagCorp Safety Kleen Deseret Chemical Depot Skull Valley Storage Facility Dugway Proving Ground The U.S. Army’s Dugway Proving Ground is located on nearly 800,000 acres (roughly the size of Rhode Island) of the Great Salt Lake Desert southwest of Salt Lake City. It is surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges.…
Protecting Utah’s Watersheds
A watershed is the area drained by a stream and its tributary branches, or in other words, the land area over which water flows or travels, and then drains into a stream and its tributaries.
Management of Water Quality in Utah
Clean water is Utah’s most precious resource. The Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality uses the Watershed Approach to protect and improve Utah’s surface and groundwater resources.