Visibility and Air Quality
Very small particles cause haze because they are about the same size as the wave length of light in the visible spectrum and can either scatter or absorb light.
The Toxic Release Inventory
Facilities using more than an established threshold amount of certain chemicals must report releases of these chemicals to the environment or transfers to off-site facilities.
Top Five Ways to Reduce Pollution and Protect Your Health
Know your air quality. Know how it will affect your health. Get some ideas to clean it up. Put them into a plan. Tools and Information Health symptom tracker for pollution episodes. Details on Utah’s Recess Guidance program. Short and medium-range weather forecast. Track Air Action days and see an Animated forecast of Utah pollution…
Superfund in Utah
Superfund is a federal program administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in cooperation with state governments to identify and cleanup the worst hazardous waste sites in the United States.
Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste in Utah
Mission of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control, under the Department of Environmental Quality, ensures the proper management of solid and hazardous waste and operates under the authority of the following legislative acts: Division Programs Used Oil Program Management practices are designed to protect the…
Utah’s “Lake Stink”
While the Great Salt Lake is famous worldwide, it’s notorious locally for what has been dubbed “lake stink.”
Keeping Utah Clean and Healthy: Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
Jump to: Mission Superfund Branch Underground Storage Tank Program Mission The Division of Environmental Response and Remediation is charged with protecting public health and Utah’s environment through cleanup of chemically contaminated sites, and by ensuring that underground storage tanks are used properly and by providing chemical usage and emission data to the public and local…
Utah’s Drinking Water
Utah’s drinking water comes from either surface water (lakes, reservoirs, rivers) or ground water (wells or springs), altogether 1,850 sources.
Consumer Products and PM2.5
While it might not seem like hair spray, carpet cleaner, or air fresheners contribute to Utah’s PM2.5 problem, they do.
Management of Air Quality in Utah
The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Air Quality currently operates 11 carbon monoxide monitors, 16 fine particulate monitoring sites, and 19 meteorological stations along the Wasatch Front.
Fact Sheets
Fact sheets and information handouts about DEQ’s activities and issues.
Frequently Asked Questions: >Boil Water Order
This information is provided as a service to help you protect your family. Why must I boil my water? A boil order has been issued to your water system because either recent testing has shown the presence of organisms that could cause illness (e.g. fecal or E. coli bacteria), or technical/physical problems in the water…
Unavoidable Breakdown Rule
The Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are currently in negotiations to address concerns about Utah’s rule for unavoidable breakdowns.
Public Interest
Air Drinking Water Environmental Response and Remediation General Waste Management and Radiation Control Radiation Waste Water