A web resource dedicated to providing valuable features and extensive information about asbestos in the water supply.
American Water Works Association The American Water Works Association represents an alliance of the “family of five”—water utility agencies, regulatory agencies, academics, engineering consultants, and manufacturers. In the United States, Canada, and Mexico this group provides technical exchange programs to its members and the public. The American Water Works Association is internationally recognized for its expertise in current drinking water issues, both from technical and policy standpoints.
American Water Works Association Research Foundation The American Water Works Association Research Foundation provides contracts for studies of problems and solutions in the water industry. As the drinking water community faces the paradoxical demands for higher water quality and lower costs, current and substantive research is making a difference by providing the scientific foundation to meet these contradictory demands. The drinking water community views AWWARF as the source of the most current and authoritative information on water treatment and supply. This recognition stems from the scientifically credible research program the foundation administers—a program that would not be possible without the voluntary contributions of water utilities, consultants, and manufacturers throughout the world.
Center for Disease Control (CDC) CDC’s Division of Parasitic Diseases has created a drinking water safety Website that includes links to related resources.
Directory of State DEQ Websites A directory of state DEQ Websites produced by the RGF Environmental group, an environmental service provider and manufacturer of air and water treatment products.
Drinking Water and Health The Water Quality and Health Council is an independent, multidisciplinary group sponsored by the Chlorine Chemistry Council. Its mission is to promote science based practices and policies to enhance water quality and health by advising industry, health professionals, policymakers, and the public.
Intermountain Section AWWA Perform active water quality queries against several back end databases. Learn about water quality (fluoride, hardness, arsenic) in your community.
National Drinking Water Clearinghouse Funded by EPA, and provided by West Virginia University, this organization helps small communities by collecting, developing, and providing timely information relevant to drinking water issues.
National Rural Water Association The Rural Water Association has chapters in each state. Its members are water systems serving less than 10,000 people (defined as “small” under Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) criteria), equipment suppliers, engineering firms, and construction companies doing business with small water systems.
Recognizing Waterborne Disease (Physician’s On-Line Reference) Primarily intended for physicians, but also may be of value to water suppliers and consumers. This site also contains valuable information on Physician Preparedness for Acts of Water Terrorism.
Rural Water Association of Utah The Rural Water Association of Utah is located in Alpine, Utah. Circuit riders are available to provide free technical assistance in the field for utility members.
US EPA Home Page The beginning point for a very large web; all the work done by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
USU Extension Service The Water Quality Interpretation Tool developed by USU Extension Services allows users to enter their water quality data online and receive an interpretation of those data pertaining to drinking water, irrigation water, livestock water, and environmental water state standards.
Utah’s Local Health Departments and DEQ District Engineers There are twelve local health departments in the state, each of which has a drinking water specialist. In addition, there are four DEQ regional engineers who can also provide assistance.
Utah State Water Agencies Within Utah State government there are several agencies that deal with water.
Utah Water Quality Alliance (113 KB) Formed in 1994 to assist drinking water utilities in water quality optimization projects and in updates of new regulations.
Water for Kids An EPA site covering drinking water and groundwater kid’s stuff.