Hazardous Waste Management Program

The Division provides an outreach program for small businesses that generate less than 2,200 pounds of hazardous waste per month. This program has been successful in helping small businesses understand the requirements necessary for compliance with the hazardous waste management rules specific to small business.

Each year approximately 50 companies are visited using this program. A jmoran@utah.gov), (385) 499-0184 will provide basic hazardous waste training sessions (about two hours) for businesses. They also provide presentations on hazardous waste management and pollution prevention for schools (all levels) and community groups.

Past Hazardous Waste Generator Training


On May 22nd and 23rd, 2023, the Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control hosted a two-day virtual training session for hazardous waste generators. The training was to familiarize hazardous waste generators with applicable rules in Titles R315 and R317 of the Utah Administrative Code.

The recordings are available here:

Session 1: May 22, 2023

Session 2: May 23, 2023

The presentations are available here:

000- Disclaimer and Training Agenda

001 – Wastewater Pretreatment for HW Generators

002 – Waste Counting

003 – VSQGs | SQGs | LQGs & LQG Closure

004 – Episodic Generation 

005 – Point of Generation & Waste Determination 

006 – RCRA Info | 8700-12 | Cogenerators 

007 – Universal Waste & E-waste

008 – Incident Reporting | Treatment | Emergency Permits 

009 – Standards for Used Oil Generators

010 – Inspection Process | Enforcement Process

011 – Container Inspections | Top 10 Issues 

012 – Transporters 

013 – Manifests | LDR Forms | Working with Transporter | Shipping 

014 – Solid Waste and Recycling 

015 – HSMs | Recycling |  Exemptions and Exclusions 

016 – Contingency Plans 

017 – RCRA Training Requirements

018 – Environmental Justice


On May 17th and 18th, 2022, the Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control hosted a two-day virtual training session for hazardous waste generators. The training was to familiarize hazardous waste generators with applicable rules in Titles R315 and R317 of the Utah Administrative Code.

The recordings are available here:

Session 1: May 17, 2022

Session 2: May 18, 2022

The Presentations are available here:

001-Training Agenda & Disclaimer

01 – DWMRC Overview

02 – Waste Determinations

03 – Wastewater Pretreatment for Hazardous Waste Generators

04 – Manifesting – LDR Forms – Shipping your Waste

05 – Generator Categories

06 – Episodic Events

07 – Satellite Accumulation Areas & Central Accumulation Areas

08 – Incident Reporting – Treatment – Emergency Permits

09 – Training Requirements

10 – Universal & E-wastes

11 – Used Oil for Hazardous Waste Generators

12 – Container Inspections

13 – LQG Closure

14 – Contingency Plans

15 – Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals

16 – Hazardous Secondary Materials – Recycling – Speculative Accumulation

17 – E-Manifest – SQG Renotification – EPA 8700-12 – Biennial Reports


On May 12th and 13th, 2021 the Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control hosted a two-day virtual training session for hazardous waste generators. The training is to familiarize hazardous waste generators with applicable rules in Titles R315 and R317 of the Utah Administrative Code.

The recordings are available here:

The Presentations are available here:

0.1 HWG Training Topics_Presentation Index

0.2 Program Manager Contact List

1.1. Welcome/DWMRC Overview

1.2. Waste Determinations

1.3. Generators / Generator Category/ Very Small Quantity Generators / Small Quantity Generators / Large Quantity Generators / Satellite Accumulation Areas

1.4. Exclusions & Hazardous Secondary Materials

1.5. Used Oil & Top 5 Violations

1.6. Top 10 Hazardous Waste Violations

2.1. Hazardous Waste Episodic Generation

2.2. Universal Waste

2.3 Land Disposal Restrictions

2.4. Hazardous Waste Storage Tanks

2.5 Pharmaceutical Rule

2.6. Financial Assurance

2.7. myRCRAid / E-Manifests / EPA Subtitle C notification

2.8. Wastewater Pretreatment for HW Generators

2.9. Managing E-waste

EPA ID Number

If you need to notify the Division of regulated waste management activities including new notifications, changes in your waste generation, notification of hazardous secondary materials activity, episodic generation, or consolidation of VSQG hazardous waste, then use the following links:

Signed forms may be emailed to Kaci McNeill (kmcneill1@utah.gov).


EPA has established a national system for tracking hazardous waste shipments electronically. This system, known as “e-Manifest,” modernizes the nation’s cradle-to-grave hazardous waste tracking process while saving valuable time, resources, and dollars for industry and states. Visit the e-Manifest page to sign up for email updates, find out about FAQs, and much more.

RCRAINFO Industry Application – MYRCRAID

Submit your RCRA Subtitle C 8700-12 forms electronically. No more printing, signing, or mailing. Enter and submit your data online and receive an email notification when your data has been accepted.

Biennial Hazardous Waste Report

All large quantity hazardous waste generators and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities in the State are required to submit a hazardous waste generation and management report to the Division every even year by March 1.

The State of Utah uses the RCRA Industry Application software administered by the EPA for the Biennial Report due March 1 of even numbered years. Filers are strongly urged to submit their report electronically. Flat file upload is available for interested facilities.

All data is reviewed and evaluated by the Division prior to being forwarded to the EPA. Past years’ data can be found at RCRA Info Web. The Division also produces the kmcneill1@utah.gov).

You may mail your Biennial Report to:

Douglas J. Hansen, Director
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880


The Division must submit periodic updates to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) describing the status of the State’s hazardous waste program. These updates include all proposed state program changes requiring EPA approval in order to maintain authorization for the State to administer federal requirements under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Utah received authorization from EPA for its base program in 1984. A listing of the rules for which Utah has received authorization is available on the Web.

Rule Making

The Division coordinates all hazardous waste rule (R315-17101102103124260261262263264265266268270273) changes under the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act and used oil rule (R315-15) changes under the Used Oil Act to ensure that state administrative rulemaking procedures are followed and that the public has an opportunity to provide input, as well as providing support for state and federal operating database programs such as used oil.

Hazardous Waste Handlers


For more information about the Hazardous Waste Section, please contact Deborah Ng (dng@utah.gov), (385) 499-0837.

Last Updated:

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