Frequently Asked Questions:
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control

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Radiation Control

Quality Assurance Project Plans

What is a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)?

A QA Project Plan is a written document that describes the quality assurance procedures, quality assurance specifications, and other technical activities that must be implemented to ensure the outcome/results of the project or task meet the project specifications and regulations. The QAPP is developed to ensure the primary data collection, secondary data usage, and data processing meets the Utah DEQ requirements.

Who needs a QAPP and why?

Any entity submitting data to determine compliance with Utah environmental regulations must submit a QAPP for approval to ensure the project or task is defined, documented, reviewed, and meets DEQ requirements before work is started.

Is there a Template or Crosswalk I can use to help me develop/write QAPP?

Yes, EPA/DEQ has developed a crosswalk for guidance.

Where can I go for help?

Additional resources can be found at:

You can also contact the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control at (801) 536-0200.


If you have questions regarding the hazardous wastes information, please contact Deborah Ng (, (385) 499-0837.

For questions regarding radiation, please contact Gwyn Galloway (, (385) 499-4860.

Last Updated:


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