Waste Management and Radiation Control Public Notices

Email Notices

Sign up for email notices

These emails provide notices required by rule to those on the lists of certain hazardous waste permit and radioactive material license actions, public hearings, public comment periods, changes to rules overseen by the Division, and Utah Waste Management and Radiation Control Board meetings.

Note: email messages sent to those who have subscribed to the various email lists will come from the email address [email protected]. These messages may land in your SPAM folder. Please add [email protected] to your contact list to minimize the potential for these messages to be sent to your SPAM folder.

Comment via Email

Comments can be sent by Email to: [email protected]. The subject line for Email comments should state “Public comment for” and then the event title. For example, “Public comment on Holden Town Draft Permit.” All documents attached to an Email should be submitted as ASCII (text) files or in the PDF format.

Current Hearings & Comment Periods

Clean Harbors Environmental Services: Proposed Stipulation and Consent Order

Clean Harbors Aragonite, LLC: Proposed Stipulation and Consent Order

Bayview Landfill: Permit Renewal

Last Updated:


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