Radiological Incidents & Allegations
Related Links Reporting Radiation Control Concerns – Incidents and Allegations Report an Incident Submit an Allegation The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control works to protect employees and the public from radiation hazards, and we have the responsibility to respond to incidents and allegations involving radiological materials. Anyone, including the public and workers at…
Federal Cell License Application: EnergySolutions
Related Links Update August 4, 2022 On August 4, 2022, EnergySolutions, Inc. submitted an updated application for a Radioactive Materials License for a new Federal Cell Facility. The application will be reviewed for completeness by comparing the documents with the subject headings in NUREG-1199, “Standard Format and Content of a License Application for a Low-Level…
Radiation Control Permitting
Most companies or individuals who handle radioactive materials must be licensed or registered with the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control. The Division is responsible for environmental monitoring and radon study, uranium mill tailings and low-level waste management, materials licensing and inspection, and x-ray registration and inspection programs. Process Overview Applicants for specific radioactive…
Radiation Control Related Resources
Related Links Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD) Formed in l968, the major purpose of its establishment was to serve as a common forum for state radiation control programs in the United States to communicate with each other. A secondary purpose was to serve as a forum for the state radiation control programs…
Perpetual Care of Commercial Hazardous and Radioactive Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities (Five-Year Review)
DEQ has submitted to the Legislative Management Committee its report on the Five-Year Review of Financial Assurance and Perpetual Care of Commercial Hazardous Waste and Radioactive Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities.
Impacts of Radiation from Aboveground Nuclear Tests on Southern Utah
The United States conducted 210 aboveground nuclear weapons tests in the lower 48 states and Pacific Ocean between July 1945 and November 1962.
Negative Ion Technology: Consumer Products and Radiation
The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) is committed to protecting public health and the environment by ensuring that human exposures to radiation are kept to levels that are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The goal of radiation protection is to prevent or minimize exposures that provide no benefit.
Consumer Products and Radiation
Many consumer items contain radiation, either as a function of their operation or as a naturally occurring material that’s included as part of the product.
X-Ray Program
Related Links Administered properly, radiation is an invaluable tool in the diagnosis, treatment and management of disease. But most radiologic procedures also carry a potential health risk, and radiation can be harmful or even deadly if it is administered incorrectly. Medical x-rays account for the majority of the average citizen’s exposure to manmade radiation. The…
X-Ray Dose Comparisons:
X-Ray ProgramRelated Links Among experts there is no universal agreement on whether there is a risk associated with the small amounts of radiation exposure received from medical x-rays and if there is a risk what is the likelihood (probability) of harmful effects arising at some future date. Different methods have been formulated in an attempt to…
X-Ray ProgramRelated Links Qualified Experts Forms and Instructions Beginning in January of 2023 persons seeking to be registered as a Qualified Expert and those needing to renew their registration will do so using an electronic process via the Division’s new Community Portal. Beginning in February of 2024 Qualified Experts will be able to submit their inspection…
Inspections, Registrations, and Fees:
X-Ray ProgramRelated Links All x-ray tubes in the State must be registered every year with the Division, if they are attached to a control unit. Registration forms are sent to all registrants on file each year. Even x-ray units in storage must be registered if they are not in a retail sales facility. Additionally, the rules…
X-Ray Guidance:
X-Ray ProgramRelated Links Equipment Evaluation Guidance The following Equipment Evaluation Guidelines are provided in PDF format. Nationwide Evaluation of X-ray Trends In 1973 the Nationwide Evaluation of X-ray Trends (NEXT) program was established to estimate the radiation exposure from specific diagnostic x-ray procedures. NEXT is an annual survey program conducted cooperatively between the Food and Drug…
Utah Chiropractic Radiograph:
X-Ray GuidanceRelated Links Entrance Skin Exposures The desired state for the use of radiation in chiropractic offices is to obtain necessary diagnostic information with minimal exposure to the patient, office personnel and the general public. The Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control has determined that patient exposure levels for radiographs throughout the state can…
Reducing Your Patient’s Exposure:
X-Ray GuidanceRelated Links A wide range of patient exposure occurs in diagnostic radiology. For example, the entrance skin exposure (ESE) for an x-ray of a hand is only a few mR; however, ESE’s in fluoroscopy may be several thousand mR. This wide range of exposures is expected and hardly surprising. What is surprising is that even…
Lowering Your Patients’s Entrance Skin Exposures (ESEs):
X-Ray GuidanceRelated Links The following steps may be taken to reduce the ESEs from x-ray units in your office: If you have additional questions please contact DWMRC at contact (801) 536-0200.