Glossary of Recycling and Waste Facilities
Related Links This glossary contains terminology compiled and explained by the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control to help you better understand Utah’s Recycling Program. Discover more about the recycling and solid waste facilities regulated by the division. Compost or Other Food Management Facility These facilities can take a variety of organic materials such as…
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Waste Management
Related Links What Has Changed? For many years, the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining (DOGM) at the Utah Department of Natural Resources, provided regulatory oversight of wastes generated from the exploration and production (E&P) of crude oil and natural gas throughout the State. With DOGM’s oversight, these wastes were formerly excluded from the Solid…
Recycling in Utah
Related Links Stay up to date and sign up for our recycling email list. Questions? Contact the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control at (801) 536-0200
Recycling Market Development Zones
Related Links What is the Recycling Market Development Zone Act? The Law In 1996, the Utah Legislature created the Utah Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) Act, which provides environmental and economic benefits to Utah businesses and citizens (Title 19 Utah Code, Chapter 13). This legislation encourages individuals and businesses to recycle by offering tax credits…
Solid Waste Permitting
Businesses may only dispose of or incinerate solid waste at permitted facilities in compliance with Utah’s Solid Waste Rules. Non-hazardous solid waste generally consists of municipal garbage, industrial waste, or construction/demolition debris. New and expanding disposal sites, including on-site industrial facilities, must obtain permits, and all facilities are subject to inspection. Nearly all landfills are…
Waste Not, Want Not: Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Programs Protect Utah Residents
Learn how the Utah DEQ Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control protects Utah residents through its waste, radiation, and recycling programs.
Disposal Facilities, Recyclers and Disposal Volumes:
Solid Waste ProgramRelated Links The following are facilities regulated by the State of Utah. The following tables show information on the location, facility contacts, and disposal tonnages. 2021 Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Disposal for Utah Facilities Municipal Tons C/D Tons Industrial Tons Total Tons Compost Tons Tons Diverted to Recycling Number of Facilities Class I Facilities 2,249,343 229,304…
Solid Waste Documents:
Solid Waste ProgramRelated Links Solid Waste Facility Forms Municipal Solid Waste Disposal and Transfer Stations Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling and Composting Other Solid Waste Facilities Additional Information Closure and Post-Closure Finance Miscellaneous Documents Facility Self-Inspection Program Facility Self-Inspections may be performed in accordance with R315-301-7, Self-Inspections of Solid Waste Management Facility. To meet the requirements, the…
Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste in Utah
Mission of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control, under the Department of Environmental Quality, ensures the proper management of solid and hazardous waste and operates under the authority of the following legislative acts: Division Programs Used Oil Program Management practices are designed to protect the…
Waste Tire Program
Related Links In response to a growing concern for increased stockpiles of waste tires and past experiences with waste tire stockpile fires, the Utah Legislature passed the Utah Waste Tire Recycling Act in 1990. Consequently, the waste tire recycling program is first and foremost a recycling program for used truck and passenger vehicle tires. Prior…
Solid Waste Program
Related Links The Solid Waste Program administers permitting and compliance programs for non-hazardous solid waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities throughout the State. Other areas of activity include technical, and public assistance. Along with the local health departments throughout the State, the Solid Waste Program provides a response to questions of improper disposal of solid…
Recycling/Waste Reduction/Reuse
Related Links Many businesses, educators, students, individuals, and civic leaders realize the importance of recycling. According to the EPA and the National Recycling Coalition, if U.S. recycling levels can reach 75%, it will be equivalent to the environmental benefit of removing 50 million cars from the road each year and will generate 1.5 million new…
Curb Your Enthusiasm: How to Recycle Right in Utah
Not all recycling is created equally. There are common household items that should never go in the general recycling bin. Here is what to do with the recyclable trash that doesn’t go to the curb.
Talking Trash at DEQ
Interview with Matt Sullivan Most of us take our trash to the curb for pickup and don’t really consider where it goes after that. But did you know that the landfill that accepts your trash has to meet and maintain rigorous environmental standards to protect soils, ground water, and air? We asked Matt Sullivan, an…