2014 Public Notices: Water Quality
Uranium One Americas, Inc., Velvet Mine, Permit UT0025810
- Public Notice
- Newspaper Publication Letter
- Draft Permit
- Statement of Basis
- Wasteload Analysis
- Fact Sheet Statement of Basis
- Close of Comments: June 30, 2014
- Public Hearing: None
- Contact (Email): Matt Garn ([email protected])
- Type: UPDES Discharge Permits
Velvet Mine Draft Permit UT0025810
- Public Notice
- Newspaper Publication Letter
- Transmittal Letter
- Draft Permit
- Draft Fact Sheet with Wasteload Analysis
- Close of Comments: April 28, 2014
- Public Hearing: None
- Contact (Email): Matt Garn ([email protected])
- Type: UPDES Discharge Permits
- Phil Goble ([email protected]): (801) 536-4044
Compliance Activities, Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control