November 2006
Facility Owner
Questar Exploration and Production Company (QEP)
Facility Operator
Questar Exploration and Production Company (QEP)
Property Owner
Facility Location
Approximately 20 miles
Southeast of Vernal, UT
Longitude: 40° 12” 12” North
Latitude: 109° 19’ 40” West
SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 16, Township 7S, Range 23E, Salt Lake Base & Meridian
Remaining Capacity
- Acres: N/A
- Tons: N/A
- Cubic Yards: N/A
- Years: N/A
Waste Accepted
Nonhazardous industrial wastes associated with the exploration and production of oil and gas. Expected wastes generally include wood, pipe, general construction/demolition wastes and minor amounts of office waste.
Waste Excluded
Hazardous waste, municipal waste, radioactive waste, PCB waste.
Permit Effective Date
November 15, 2006
Facility Contact
Robert ZellerQuestar Exploration and Production Company
11002 East 17500 South
Vernal, Utah 84078
Phone: (435) 781-4302 Jeffrey L. Ingerson
Senior Environmental Engineer
Questar Exploration and Production Company
180 East 100 South
P.O. Box 45601
Salt Lake City, Utah
Phone: (801) 324-2653
DEQ Contact
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
PO Box 144880
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880
Phone: (801) 536-0200
Local Health Department
Tri County Health Department147 East Main Street
Vernal, Utah 84078
Phone: (435) 781-8373
Facility Documents
For more information, please contact Brian Speer ([email protected]) at (385) 459-0010.