DEQ Helps Utah Cities Address Polluted Properties
To help communities assess and clean up sites contaminated by hazardous waste and petroleum, DEQ provides assistance seeking U.S. EPA Brownfields grants. This year, Salt Lake County, Murray, Spanish Fork City and Green River are vying for federal money to help clean up blighted properties.
Petroleum Brownfields Program
“Brownfields” is the term used to describe property where reuse or redevelopment is complicated due to known or perceived environmental contamination. These properties are often difficult to revitalize, which can stall economic growth due to fear of liability or a lack of funding to investigate or cleanup. There are several types of brownfields depending on…
A Little Detective Work: Investigating Sites for Contamination
The CERCLA Branch in the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performs site investigations of potentially contaminated sites within the State of Utah to determine whether or not they pose a threat to human health and the environment and should be included on the federal Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).
Brownfields Program
Brownfields are property where the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of the property may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of contamination. Learn more about DEQ’s involvement with brownfields here.
Ogden Business Exchange – Voluntary Cleanup Program
An Ogden Brownfields project tackled environmental uncertainties at the historic Ogden Union Stockyards. In approximately 1905, the 50-acre stockyards were a shipping point to on- and off-load livestock to the railroads. The stockyards eventually closed in 1971, and the property slowly fell into disrepair. Parts of the property were used for various other purposes, including…