RTCR Assessment Procedures
Assessing Samples, Sampling Sites and Sampling Protocols Some of the common items that should be evaluated at the sample site(s) include: Assessing the Distribution System Area Near the Positive Samples A Level 1 assessment of the distribution system should include the collection and review of available data. The data to be reviewed includes operational data…
Bacteriologic Sampling and Public Notice
Bacteriologic Sampling: Utah Guidance Bacteriologic sampling information sheet. Utah guidance. Groundwater Rule (Bacteriological)—Triggered Monitoring A quick reference guide. Groundwater Rule (Bacteriological)—Triggered Monitoring Requirements The GWR triggered source monitoring requirements. Groundwater Rule (Bacteriological)—Notification Protocol Notification deadlines and requirements. Groundwater Rule (Bacteriological)—Notification Form For reporting a positive-coliform sample. Groundwater Rule (Bacteriological)—Small Entity Compliance Guide One of the…