Department of Environmental Quality

Tag: Wintertime Pollution

  • Meteorological Modeling of 3 Wintertime Episodes

    Following the completion of the Winter Modeling Improvements study funded by DAQ with the original legislative research funding, DAQ contracted with the same research group for a targeted modeling project. The purpose of this was to model three past inversion episodes using the model improvements that resulted from the original study. The study was completed…

  • CAMx Snow Cover Treatment

    Wintertime ozone is a serious air quality issue in the Uinta Basin. The situation is unique and requires improvements to the photochemical models used for winter conditions. High concentrations of wintertime ozone occur over snow-covered surfaces. Snow cover influences wintertime ozone by increasing surface albedo and thus increasing photolysis rates, inhibiting the surface deposition of…

  • Tier 3 Standards Will Help Clean Utah Air

     By Glade Sowards There’s been a lot of buzz in Utah lately about Tier 3—shorthand for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Tier 3 Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards Program. When a geeky name like Tier 3 becomes a household word that’s used not only by us policy wonks but by Governor Herbert, mayors, legislators, radio…

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