- Title Page (662.83 KB)
- Module I—Standard Conditions (78.21 KB)
- Module II—General Facility Standards (29.64 KB)
- Module III—Use of Property and Post-Closure Care For The LTTAs and Photographic Waste Discharge Sites (24.14 KB)
- Module IV—Groundwater Monitoring (60.37 KB)
- Module V—Post-Closure Groundwater Corrective Action (29.21 KB)
- Module VI—Corrective Action For Solid Waste Management Units Schedule of Compliance (97.39 KB)
- Attachment 1—Security and Maintenance Plan (21.64 MB)
- Attachment 2—Inspection Schedules and Procedures (36.69 KB)
- Attachment 3—Groundwater Monitoring Quality Assurance Plan (QAPP) and Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) (556.17 KB)
- Attachment 4—Groundwater Monitoring System (35.70 KB)
- Attachment 5—Monitoring Well Completion Report Requirements (170.22 KB)
- Attachment 6—Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) List (375.76 KB)
Comments or Questions
For more information about the ATK Launch Systems: Promontory Post-Closure Permit, please contact Jeff Vandel: ([email protected]) (801) 536-0257.