Category: Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

  • CERCLA (Superfund) Projects:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Superfund Documents Five Year Review The United States Environmental Protection Agency Region VIII (EPA) and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), are involved in a number of CERCLA actions at the Kennecott South and North Zones. Most recently the EPA and UDEQ announced the completion of the first Five Year Review of the response…

  • Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Project:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Historic mining activities in the Oquirrh Mountains in southwest Salt Lake County led to the creation of two groundwater plumes in the principle aquifer of southwest Salt Lake County (Contaminated Zones Map). The two groundwater plumes contain elevated concentrations of sulfate and total dissolved solids (TDS) above the State of Utah primary drinking water standards.…

  • Bingham Creek: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Three-Party Agreement: Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Completion of the Five Year Review Update: November 29, 2010 The EPA and UDEQ completed the Five Year Review of the selected remedies for Operable Units 1, 4, 5, 10, and 11 of the Kennecott South Zone in September 2010. During the review, the EPA and UDEQ examined current information, carried out site inspections, and…

  • Butterfield Creek: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Three-Party Agreement:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Completion of the Kennecott South Zone Five Year Review for Operable Units 3, 6, 7, 17 and 18 The Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (UDEQ/DERR), in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region VIII (EPA), has conducted a Five Year Review of the Kennecott South Zone Superfund Site—Operable…

  • Comment Response Summary: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Three-Party Agreement:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    August 31, 2004 Introduction to the Comment Response Summary Responses to Common Comments Index of Commenters This index of commenters has been assembled to assist in locating responses to comments made by a specific person. Comments Received and Responses to Comments Contact Information For more information on this project, contact Mazie Cox (, (385) 391-8129.

  • Joint Proposal: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Three-Party Agreement:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    June 11, 2004 Contact Information For more information on this project, contact Mazie Cox (, (385) 391-8129.

  • Document Repository: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Project:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Administrative Documents Natural Resource Damage Claim Annual Reports Construction and Testing Stakeholder Forum Meetings and Materials March 17, 2010 June 20, 2007 August 2, 2006 Spring 2006 Bingham Canyon reverse osmosis plant tour. October 12, 2005 January 12, 2005 Updates: Great Salt Lake Selenium Project, JVWCD Project schedule, and Consent Decree process. June 16, 2004…

  • Stakeholder Forum Meetings: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Project:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    On a regular basis, DEQ, the District, and Kennecott sit down with representatives of various community groups to provide project updates. The Stakeholder Forum assists with the dissemination of the information about the various CERCLA and NRD project aspects at Kennecott Utah Copper. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Stakeholder Forum will be held…

  • Permit Modification and East Waste Rock Extension UGW350010:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Project Summary Kennecott Utah Copper (KUC) is proposing to extend the footprint of the East Waste Rock Dumps to accommodate additional waste rock from mining operations. This project will require the relocation and reconstruction of the Eastside Collection System (ECS), the water collection and capture system for the dumps. The East Waste Rock Extension (EWRE)…

  • Cornerstone (Kennecott’s Expansion Project):
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Introduction In 2011 Kennecott Utah Copper LLC announced a proposal to expand the life of its Bingham Canyon Mine located in the southwest Salt Lake County. The expansion project, called “Cornerstone,” included widening the Bingham Canyon pit to accommodate operations focused on the mining and processing of ore located on the southeast margin of the…

  • Approval Order Modification Granted: Cornerstone:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    On June 27, 2011, the Division of Air Quality has approved Kennecott’s request to modify its Approval Order, outlined in a Notice of Intent (NOI). The NOI centered on a requested increase in the limit of the material moved from 197 to 260 million tons per year. The public comment period ended on March 20,…

  • Concentrator Request: Cornerstone:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Addition of an Ore Grinding Line and an Ore Sorting Plant Public comment is being sought through August 18, 2011 on Kennecott’s request to install and operate a fifth ore grinding line and an ore sorting plant at the Copperton Concentrator. The new equipment will consist of an ore sorting plant with a baghouse, a…

  • Modification of Molybdenum Autoclave Process (MAP) Plant:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    The MAP facility is currently under construction, and commissioning is expected to start in 2013. Public comment is being sought through March 11, 2013 on Kennecott’s request to modify the design of the MAP plant. The design changes have resulted in the modification of the cooling tower. Kennecott will also add a natural gas-fired boiler,…

  • Document Repository: Cornerstone:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC Projects

    Jump to: Approval Order Issued Air Quality SIP Amendment This page provides links to documents associated with the various regulatory decisions by DEQ. Approval Order Issued (June 27, 2011) Final Permit (647 KB) Complete and Final Notice of Intent Final Notice of Intent (63MB) Cover—1.0 Introduction (384 KB) 2.0 Description of Emission Sources (72 KB)…

  • SIP Amendments: Cornerstone:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    By a vote of 5-4 in its May 4, 2011 meeting, the Air Quality Board approved the Amendment to the Utah State Implementation Plan, Emission Limits and Operating Practices, Section Ix.H.2.h, and to amend Rule R307-110-17, Section IX and Part H. The issue before the Board was whether or not the 2005 PM SIP (currently…

  • CERCLA (Superfund) Projects: Five Year Reviews:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC Projects

    Some of the selected remedies for the operable units of the Kennecott Southand North Zones have allowed waste to be left in place above an unrestricted exposure and unrestrictive land use standard, for the particular contaminants of concern. As such, the EPA is required, on a periodic basis, to review the selected remedies, assess whether…

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