Category: Businesses and Facilities

  • Bridger Development Company (Park East Apartments)

    2020 Public Notices Bridger Development Company (Park East Apartments): Site Management Plan (SMP) Public Notice (144 KB) Draft Site Management Plan (5 MB) Close of Comments: May 29,  2020 Email Comments: Public Hearing: N/A Contact (Email):Eric Baiden ( Type: Site Management Plan (SMP)

  • Tire Derived Fuel International LLC SW408: Draft Permit

    2020 Public Notices Tire Derived Fuel International LLC SW408: Draft Permit Public Notice (137 KB) Draft Permit (1 MB) Close of Comments: June 1, 2020 Email Comments: Public Hearing: N/A Contact (Email): Tina Mercer ( Type: Draft Permit

  • Copper Canyon

    Copper Canyon Phase 6 Public Notice (129 KB) Settlement Agreement (196 KB) Close of Comments: May 22, 2020 Public Hearing: None Contact (E-mail): Ryan Curtin ( Type: Enforcement Action

  • Thomas J. Peck and Sons, Inc.

    Thomas J. Peck and Sons, Inc. Public Notice (216 KB) Settlement Agreement (257 KB) Close of Comments: April 25, 2020 Public Hearing: None Contact (E-mail): Kevin Okleberry ( Type: Corrective Action

  • Construction Waste Management

    Menu Construction Waste Management: Solid Waste Facility Fact Sheet: Class VI Landfill 2021 Pubic Notice Construction Waste Management: Class VI Landfill Public Notice (187 KB) Construction Waste Management Draft Landfill Permit (137 KB) Attachment 1 – Design and Construction (14 MB) Attachment 2 – Operations Plan (3 MB) Attachment 3 – Waste Inspections (246 KB)…

  • Dustin Dastrup

    2020 Public Notice Dustin Dastrup Public Notice (9 MB) Close of Comments: May 8, 2020 Public Hearing: None Contact (Email):Lisa Stevens ( Type: Expedited Settlement Agreement

  • R.N. Industries (RNI)
    Solid Waste Facility Fact Sheet:
    Wonsit Exploration and Production Waste Class IIIb Landfill

    October 2013 Facility Owner R.N. Industries (RNI) Facility Operator R.N. Industries (RNI)355 South 1000 EastP.O. Box 1168Vernal, UT 84078 Property Owner R.N. Industries355 South 1000 EastP.O. Box 1168Vernal, UT 84078 Facility Location SE 1/4 of Section 26 and NE 1/4 of Section35: Township 8 South, Range 21 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian at 374…

  • Black Iron, LLC

    2020 Public Notice Black Iron, LLC: Iron Mountain Mine—Ground Water Discharge Permit No. UGW210011 Public Notice (231 KB) Draft Statement of Basis (218 KB) Draft GW Discharge Permit (355 KB) GW Permit Application (27 MB) Close of Comments: April 6, 2020 Public Hearing: None Contact (Email): Brian Hamos ( Type: Ground Water Discharge Permit

  • Sierra Homes

    2020 Public Notices

  • Park City Stone and Commercial Storage

    2020 Public Notice Park City Stone and Commercial Storage (Turnnell Property): Site Management Plan (SMP) Public Notice (156 KB) Draft Site Management Plan (212 KB) Comments: February 11, 2020, through March 12, 2020 Email Comments: (See Public Notice for submission details.) Public Meeting: None Contact (Email): Eric Baiden ( Type: Site Management Plan (SMP)

  • Ogden City Corporation

    2020 Public Notices: Water Quality

  • JW Investment Real Estate, LLC

    2020 Public Notice JW Investment Real Estate, LLC (Regional Supply Facility): Site Management Plan (SMP) Public Notice (144 KB) Draft Site Management Plan (289 KB) Comments: January 27, 2020, through February 26, 2020 Email Comments: (See Public Notice for submission details.) Public Meeting: None Contact (Email): Eric Baiden ( Type: Site Management Plan (SMP)

  • Clearfield Junction Apartments

    2020 Public Notice Clearfield Junction Apartments: Enforcement Action for UPDES Construction General Permit UTRC00000 Public Notice (341 KB) Close of Comments: February 26, 2020 Public Hearing: None Contact (Email): Carl Adams ( Type: Enforcement Action

  • Balchem Albion Central Warehouse Facility

    2020 Public Notice Balchem Albion Central Warehouse Facility: Stipulation and Consent Order Public Notice (144 KB) Notice of Violation (2 MB) Draft Stipulation and Consent Order (128 KB) Comments: January 24, 2020, through February 24, 2020 Email Comments: (See Public Notice for submission details.) Public Meeting: None Contact (Email): Denny Schantz ( Type: Stipulation…

  • Basin Western Inc.

    2020 Public Notice Basin Western Inc. Public Notice (66 KB) Settlement Agreement (16 KB) Close of Comments: February 24, 2020 Public Hearing: None Contact (E-mail): Kevin Okleberry ( Type: Enforcement Actions

  • Town of Manila

    Menu Town of Manila Solid Waste Facility Fact Sheet: Class II Landfill 2020 Public Notice Town of Manila: Class II Landfill Public Notice (138 KB) Draft Permit (3 MB) Comments: January 15, 2020, through February 14, 2020 Email Comments: (See Public Notice for submission details.) Public Meeting: None Contact (Email): Roy Van Os (…

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