Funding: Petroleum Storage Tank Program
Funding the PST Fund Sources of revenue for the PST Fund are petroleum storage tank fees, UST installation company permit fees, and the environmental assurance fee (currently 0.65 cent per gallon on the first sale or use of petroleum products in the state). Certificate of Compliance An PST may not be used to store petroleum…
Environmental Assurance Program
The purpose of the Environmental Assurance Program (EAP) is to ensure that Petroleum Storage Tanks (PSTs) are managed in accordance with federal and State laws and regulations. Leaking PSTs (LPSTs) can contaminate soil and groundwater, and groundwater accounts for about 96 percent of Utah’s drinking water. In addition, toxic and potentially explosive petroleum vapors can…
Petroleum Brownfields Program
“Brownfields” is the term used to describe property where reuse or redevelopment is complicated due to known or perceived environmental contamination. These properties are often difficult to revitalize, which can stall economic growth due to fear of liability or a lack of funding to investigate or cleanup. There are several types of brownfields depending on…