Tag: Technical Analysis Section

  • Air Quality Modeling Program

    Why Do We Need Models? The Division of Air Quality regularly measures the concentration of specific air pollutants at selected monitoring locations. However, the Division also needs the ability to make future projections of air pollution levels. Computer models are a relatively inexpensive and expedient means of providing this air quality information. For example, models…

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS):
    Air Quality Modeling Program

    The Division has used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for air quality modeling studies since 1993 by creating its own database of relevant spatial layers. This data helps in the creation of emission inventories for ozone and fine particulate modeling. This is done through the creation of demographic surrogates so that county-wide emissions can be further…

  • Regional Scale Air Pollution Modeling:
    Air Quality Modeling Program

    What Is An Air Pollution Model? A computer model simulates the meteorological conditions and chemical reactions that chemical govern air pollution formation and transport. Why Do We Need Air Pollution Models? How Are Air Pollution Models Used? Can We Believe The Model? DAQ’s Modeling Tools DAQ follows EPA guidelines and recommended models for all of…

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