Promontory Hazardous Waste Facilities:
ATK Launch Systems

ATK Launch Systems—Promontory is located 30 miles northwest of Brigham City, Utah.

ATK manufactures solid rocket motors for the Space Shuttle and Minuteman missiles, D-5 missile components, commercial launch (or Castor) motors, advanced flares and pyrotechnics. ATK generates reactive hazardous wastes, e.g., propellants, as part of manufacturing activities. ATK’s operations include propellant demilitarization and reclamation. ;In addition, ATK operates as a commercial operation and is capable of storing and treating off-site generated reactive hazardous wastes.


ATK Rocket Garden.

ATK has RCRA Part B permits for hazardous waste storage (not official copy of permit), and post-closure care (not official copy of permit). In addition, ATK has interim status for treatment of on-site and off-site generated reactive hazardous waste. ATK has submitted an open burning permit application. In the fall of 2005, the Division instructed ATK to move forward and conduct a risk assessment of their open burning activities. This is a critical step in determining permit conditions. ATK obtained permission to conduct air emission testing at the Dugway Proving Ground ODOBi in the summer of 2006 and has been working since that time on completing the risk assessment.

Corrective Action

ATK is conducting a RCRA Facility Investigation. The Phase I investigation has been performed and ATK has submitted a report of the effort that is currently under review by the Division.

Comments or Questions

If you have any questions about the Part B Permit, please contact Gabby Marinick ([email protected]): (385) 499-0172

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