Category: Environmental Response and Remediation

  • Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
    Permit Guide

    Related Links The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA, 1986) implemented two chemical reporting programs for emergency planning and “community right-to-know” reporting on hazardous and toxic chemicals: EPCRA uses several standards defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to establish reporting thresholds under the hazardous chemical inventory reporting…

  • Clandestine Drug Lab Decontamination Certification
    Permit Guide

    Related Links In response to clandestine drug labs and the growing concern over the nature of potential health effects associated with residual methamphetamine in the environment, the Utah State Legislature passed the Illegal Drug Operations Site Reporting and Decontamination Act during the 2004 General Session. The Act was subsequently amended during the 2008 General Session…

  • Other Programs Related Topics
    Permit Guide

    Related Links Brownfields Community Revitalization If you are performing due diligence and considering buying contaminated property or potentially contaminated property for redevelopment you may be required to produce written assurances. Visit the following links for details. End of the Other Programs Section You have completed the Other Programs section of the Permit Wizard process. If…

  • DEQ Helps Utah Cities Address Polluted Properties

    To help communities assess and clean up sites contaminated by hazardous waste and petroleum, DEQ provides assistance seeking U.S. EPA Brownfields grants. This year, Salt Lake County, Murray, Spanish Fork City and Green River are vying for federal money to help clean up blighted properties.

  • Notification of Subsurface Petroleum Contamination

    Through the Blue Stakes Utility notification system, the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) receives a notification that you plan to excavate in the vicinity of a former Leaking Underground Storage Tank facility. Residual petroleum contaminated soils and/or groundwater may be present within your excavation area. If you would like more information regarding…

  • Metrics: Environmental Response and Remediation

    UST Branch Percent of Underground Storage Tank Facilities in Significant Compliance Over Time An underground storage tank (UST) is a tank connected to piping that has at least ten percent of its combined volume underground. USTs may contaminate groundwater, the source of drinking water for nearly half of all Americans. U.S. EPA and states collaborate…

  • DERR Payment Portal: Shopping Cart

    NOTICE: All major credit cards are accepted for transactions below $4,000. Only electronic checks will be accepted for transactions $4,000 or higher.

  • CERCLA (Superfund) Projects:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Superfund Documents Five Year Review The United States Environmental Protection Agency Region VIII (EPA) and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), are involved in a number of CERCLA actions at the Kennecott South and North Zones. Most recently the EPA and UDEQ announced the completion of the first Five Year Review of the response…

  • Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Project:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Historic mining activities in the Oquirrh Mountains in southwest Salt Lake County led to the creation of two groundwater plumes in the principle aquifer of southwest Salt Lake County (Contaminated Zones Map). The two groundwater plumes contain elevated concentrations of sulfate and total dissolved solids (TDS) above the State of Utah primary drinking water standards.…

  • Bingham Creek: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Three-Party Agreement: Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Completion of the Five Year Review Update: November 29, 2010 The EPA and UDEQ completed the Five Year Review of the selected remedies for Operable Units 1, 4, 5, 10, and 11 of the Kennecott South Zone in September 2010. During the review, the EPA and UDEQ examined current information, carried out site inspections, and…

  • Butterfield Creek: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Three-Party Agreement:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Completion of the Kennecott South Zone Five Year Review for Operable Units 3, 6, 7, 17 and 18 The Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (UDEQ/DERR), in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region VIII (EPA), has conducted a Five Year Review of the Kennecott South Zone Superfund Site—Operable…

  • Comment Response Summary: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Three-Party Agreement:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    August 31, 2004 Introduction to the Comment Response Summary Responses to Common Comments Index of Commenters This index of commenters has been assembled to assist in locating responses to comments made by a specific person. Comments Received and Responses to Comments Contact Information For more information on this project, contact Mazie Cox (, (385) 391-8129.

  • Joint Proposal: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Three-Party Agreement:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    June 11, 2004 Contact Information For more information on this project, contact Mazie Cox (, (385) 391-8129.

  • Document Repository: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Project:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Administrative Documents Natural Resource Damage Claim Annual Reports Construction and Testing Stakeholder Forum Meetings and Materials March 17, 2010 June 20, 2007 August 2, 2006 Spring 2006 Bingham Canyon reverse osmosis plant tour. October 12, 2005 January 12, 2005 Updates: Great Salt Lake Selenium Project, JVWCD Project schedule, and Consent Decree process. June 16, 2004…

  • Stakeholder Forum Meetings: Natural Resource Damage (NRD) Project:
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    On a regular basis, DEQ, the District, and Kennecott sit down with representatives of various community groups to provide project updates. The Stakeholder Forum assists with the dissemination of the information about the various CERCLA and NRD project aspects at Kennecott Utah Copper. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Stakeholder Forum will be held…

  • Cornerstone (Kennecott’s Expansion Project):
    Kennecott Utah Copper LLC

    Introduction In 2011 Kennecott Utah Copper LLC announced a proposal to expand the life of its Bingham Canyon Mine located in the southwest Salt Lake County. The expansion project, called “Cornerstone,” included widening the Bingham Canyon pit to accommodate operations focused on the mining and processing of ore located on the southeast margin of the…

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