Assessment Grant Funding: Petroleum Storage Tank Branch
Persons interested in having their property assessed using available petroleum brownfields grant monies will work with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to determine if their site is eligible for funding assistance. The following criteria will be used to determine site eligibility: If you are interested in more information about the potential uses of…
Water Quality Improvements:
Financial Assistance ProgramsEligibility Individuals, businesses, corporations, associations, private entity and government agencies are eligible for loans and grants. Purpose Financial Assistance is intended to be used for activities within watersheds that: Eligible Projects NPS Loans NPS Grants On-site Wastewater How to Apply Submit a financial assistance request form to: Utah Division of Water QualityP.O. Box 144870Salt Lake…
Financial Assistance Programs:
Water QualityFunding Available for Water Quality and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects The Utah Division of Water Quality’s (DWQ) Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program (SRF) on average, receives a combined $9 million dollars a year from State and Federal funding and, on average, an additional $15 million in funding each year from loan repayments. This money…