Individuals, businesses, corporations, associations, private entity and government agencies are eligible for loans and grants.
Financial Assistance is intended to be used for activities within watersheds that:
- address a critical water quality need;
- protect human health;
- improve environmental conditions that affect waters of the state;
- provide environmental education;
- provide incentives for project implementation;
- pollution studies; and,
- to augment other funding sources.
Eligible Projects
- Abate and reduce sewage discharges.
- Reduce untreated or uncontrolled runoff.
- Improve critical aquatic resources.
- Conserve soil, water or other natural resources.
- Protect and improve groundwater quality.
- Preserve and protect beneficial uses of water.
- Prepare and implement TMDLs.
- Abates, prevents or reduces water pollution (study, activity or mechanism).
- Supports educational activities that promote water quality improvement (lake, stream, stormwater).
NPS Loans
- Terms may be as low as 0% interest for up to 20 years repayment.
- Must be secured with collateral and must be repaid.
- Can provide match for other funding sources (319 grants, SRF grants, ARDL, etc.).
NPS Grants
- Do not have to be repaid.
- Address a critical water quality need or human health concern.
- Can provide match for other funding sources (319 grants, SRF loans, ARDL, etc.).
On-site Wastewater
- Loans may be 0% interest for up to 10 years repayments.
- Individuals total household income is no greater than 150% of the State median adjust income.
- Only for repair or replacement of individual malfunctioning systems.
- Certification by local health department required.
- Grants may be available.
How to Apply
Submit a financial assistance request form to:
Utah Division of Water Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4870