Department of Environmental Quality

Planning Matrix (Division/Plan):
Strategic Planning

Planning is an essential management tool. Strategic planning has always been part of the management decision-making process at DEQ. Annual planning retreats are held each spring by the individual divisions and by the department as a whole. These retreats are all part of an annual planning process inherent in the department’s own management system, and include the department’s mission, vision, values. A major goal of both DEQ and EPA planning processes is to promote more meaningful and effective planning which increases collaboration, communication and coordination among agencies, citizens, clientele and stakeholders to achieve desired environmental results.

In addition, the Department also has planning requirements which are components of permitting requirements, grant requirements and our own quality management plan. This planning matrix identifies many of the planning initiatives the Department is engaged in.

Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)

The Department of Environmental Quality participates with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Utah’s 12 local health departments and other agencies via partnership efforts to develop and implement plans to achieve desired work objectives. These plans include the National Environmental Performance Partnership Agreement  with EPA, the development of an Environmental Service Delivery Plan with the local health departments, and the development of  the department wide Information Technology Plan.

Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR)

The Division of Environmental Response and Remediation implements waste cleanup plans and environmental responses. The Division also has lead responsibility for developing the Department’s Emergency Operations Plan required of each state agency assigned disaster relief functions and responsibilities. This DEQ Emergency and Disaster Response Plan was prepared in compliance with this requirement, to provide general direction for DEQ personnel in managing, coordinating, and responding to emergencies or disasters impacting public health, life, property, and the environment throughout the state.

  • Department Emergency and Disaster Response Plan: Required by State and DEQ; Authority: UCA 53-2-104 and UCA 19-1-201 (2)

Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (SHW)

The Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste has the responsibility to protect public health and the environment by ensuring proper management of solid and hazardous wastes within the State of Utah.

  • State Solid Waste Plan: Required by Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board; Authority: UCA 19-6-104(2)

Division of Drinking Water (DDW)

The Division of Drinking Water has the responsibility to protect the public against waterborne health risks through education, assistance, and oversight. Rules have been adopted regarding the protection of public drinking water sources. These rules require that each public drinking water supplier prepare a source protection plan. This plan must be reviewed and approved by the Division of Drinking Water.

Division of Water Quality (DWQ)

Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution, unlike pollution from industrial and sewage treatment plants, comes from many diffuse sources. Nonpoint source pollution is caused by rainfall or snowmelt moving over and through the ground. As the runoff moves, it picks up and carries away natural and human-made pollutants. Some common sources of NPS pollution include urban streets and parking lots, agricultural lands and operations, constructions sites and runoff from abandoned mines.

  • Nonpoint Source Management Plan: Required by EPA and DEQ; Authority: CWA Section 319
    • Draft Plan
    • Current Plan
  • 305(b) Report: Required by EPA and DEQ; Authority: CWA Section 319
  • 303(d) List of Impaired Waters: Required by EPA and DEQ; Authority: CWA Section 319
  • Monitoring Strategy (Long Term): Required by EPA and DEQ; Authority: CWA Section 319
  • Annual Monitoring Work Plan: Required by EPA and DEQ; Authority: CWA Section 319
  • SRF Intended Use Plan: Required by EPA and DEQ; Authority: CWA Section 319

Division of Air Quality (DAQ)

To protect public health, the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. Section 7401) requires that federal standards be set to limit the maximum levels of pollutants in the outdoor air. Each state is responsible for developing plans to demonstrate how those standards will be achieved, maintained, and enforced. These plans make up the State Implementation Plan. The plans and rules associated with them are enforced by the state and, after federal approval, they are also federally enforceable. These plans are the framework for each state’s program to protect the air.

  • State Implementation Plan: Required by EPA and DAQ; Authority: 19-2-104(3) and Federal Clean Air Act Section 110
  • Designated Facilities Plans: Required by DAQ; Authority: 40 CFR 60.23
  • Smoke Management Plan: Required by DAQ; Authority: 40 CFR
  • Monitoring Network Review: Required by DAQ Authority: 51.309
  • Natural Events Action Plan: Required by DAQ; Authority: 40 CFR 58 Subpart C
  • Compliance Program Operating Plan: Required by DAQ; Authority: CAA Section 319CAA/PPA

Division of Radiation Control (DRC)

The Division of Radiation Control regulates uses of radioactive material and x-ray producing machines. This includes low-level radioactive waste, uranium mills, medical x-ray users and commercial, research, and industrial uses of radioactive materials.

  • Tailings Reclamation and Decommissioning Plan: Required by DRC and Milling/Mining Co.; Authority: 10 CFR 40 App. A
  • Generator Site Access Permit Enforcement Policy: Required by DRC/Generators; Authority: R313-24, R313-26, and R313-14-15


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