This is a partial list of the information available. Each DEQ Division maintains a more comprehensive historic file. To learn more about how to access those records, visit the DEQ GRAMA Website.
DEQ Permits
Division of Air Quality Permits
- Approval Order: Retrofits to Existing Air Pollution Control Device System (08/12/14)
- Title V Operating Permit (02/19/09)
- Tooele County Facility (03/25/15)
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Permits
Stericycle submitted a timely application to renew its permit, which is under review. By rule, the current permit remains in force until a new permit is issued.
- Fact Sheet
- Permit (02/15/06) (11 MB)
- Permit Application (12/16/05) (7 MB)
Inspection Reports and Compliance History
Additional Resources
A Comparison of the Dioxin Levels Found in the Residential Soils of Davis County, Utah to Those Found in the Denver Front Range (for more information, contact Steve Packham ([email protected])).
- Air Quality Compliance History: Jay Morris ([email protected])
- Air Quality Permit: Jon Black ([email protected])
- Health Related Concerns: Steve Packham ([email protected]), Toxicologist
- Solid Waste Permit and Compliance History: Roy Van Os ([email protected])