Stericycle Inc.

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Public Notices

Stericycle has submitted an application or Notice of Intent (NOI) to the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) for an Approval Order (AO) for a proposed hospital, medical, and infectious waste incinerator (HMIWI) source at 9250 Rowley Road, Tooele, Utah. The source is intended to replace the HMIWI source that is owned by Stericycle and is currently operating in North Salt Lake. The public has a chance to comment on Stericycle’s proposal during a 30-day comment period (48 KB) that runs March 24 until April 23, 2016. A public hearing was held on April 18, 2016 at Tooele High School. For details, click on the fact sheet below.

Stericycle Inc. operates an incinerator at 90 North 1100 West in North Salt Lake. It is permitted to treat non hazardous medical waste and other non medical wastes by the Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control. Its air emissions are regulated by the Utah Division of Air Quality. The permitted incinerator capacity is 2,500 lbs per hour. The facility treats approximately 7000 tons of medical waste per year from the western United States.

The facility uses a controlled air process which includes both primary and secondary combustion chambers to treat waste at temperatures between 1,200 and 2,200 degrees F.

  1. The flue gas generated from the incineration process is first cooled by means of a waste heat boiler, which has the capacity to generate over 11,000 lb/hr of steam.
  2. An evaporative gas cooler further cools the flue gas.
  3. Next is the air pollution control scrubbing system:
    • The first stage is a multi-pass dry reactor, where carbon is injected to the control potential emissions of dioxin, furan, and mercury.
    • The second is a selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) system injects ammonia into the secondary chamber exhaust stream prior to the waste heat boiler, this reduces NOx emissions.
      • The third is an electrostatic precipitator removes particulate matter from the gas stream.
    • Finally, in the wet absorber tower, a sodium hydroxide solution scrubs the gas stream to control acid vapors.

2022 Public Notices: Waste Management

Stericycle Medical Waste Incinerator North Salt Lake

2016 Public Notices: Waste Management

Stericycle Tooele County Medical Waste Incinerator: Public Notice, Solid Waste Permit


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