Category: Air Quality

  • Smoke Management Program

    Resources Land managers use the web portal to register prescribed fires, request burn windows, and report emissions Residential general burning by private citizens is addressed in a different program 2021 Smoke Program Annual Report Who Participates Federal and state land managers conducting prescribed fire in Utah. Projects on private and municipal land that meet the…

  • Requirements Prior to Demolition

    DEFINITION: “Demolition Project” Utah Administrative Code (UAC) defines a “Demolition Project” as the wrecking, salvage, or removal of any load-supporting structural member of a regulated facility together with any related handling operations, or the intentional burning of any regulated facility. This includes the moving of an entire building, but excludes the moving of structures, vehicles, or…

  • Cleanup Certification, Dust Control, and Open Burning
    Permit Guide

    Related Links For more information on asbestos, lead-based paint, and general dust control during construction or demolition activities, contact the Division of Air Quality at (801) 536-4000. Are you going to demolish a building? YES: Visit Asbestos. Are you renovating a pre-1978 home? YES: Visit Lead-based Paint. Do you need to obtain or renew a dust control plan? YES:…

  • New Source Review Permits
    Permit Guide

    Related Links Approval Orders are issued by the New Source Review Section of the Division of Air Quality. They have been required for most new or modified operations since 1969. These permits may include limits on both construction and operation activities. A person must apply for an Approval Order before starting construction or operation of…

  • Operating Permits
    Permit Guide

    Related Links Air quality Operating Permits are issued by the Division of Air Quality Operating Permit Section, and are required by Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, and implemented at the federal level by 40 CFR Part 70. Any operation that has the potential to emit 10 tons per year of any hazardous air pollutant, 25 tons…

  • Air Programs Related Topics
    Permit Guide

    Related Links End of the Air Quality Section Next Up? Petroleum Storage Tank Programs You have completed the Water Qualtiy section of the Permit Wizard process. If you have not received an answer to all of your water quality related questions, or if you You have completed the Air Quality section of the Permit Wizard…

  • February 3, 2021 Agenda: Air Quality

    Meeting Agenda Public Comment Those wishing to make a public comment please fill out a

  • Air Quality Compliance Outreach Newsletter Volume 6
    January 2021

    Statewide Emissions Inventory Program Federal and state laws require the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) to create a comprehensive emissions inventory for point, area, and mobile sources every three years, and annually for some large point sources. The point source emissions inventory for 2020 is due April 15, 2021. The inventory is collected through…

  • Point Source Emission Inventories

    Contact Questions? Please email

  • Frequently Asked Questions About Utah’s Inversion Season

    Utah has great air most of the year, but during the winter we experience “inversions.” Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Utah’s winter air quality.

  • December 2, 2020 Agenda: Air Quality

    Public Comment Those wishing to make a public comment please fill out a

  • Air Quality Compliance Outreach Newsletter Volume 5
    November 2020

    Understanding Utah’s Air Quality Here is a quick overview of the chemicals we look for when monitoring the air and the sources of these pollutants. PM2.5 PM2.5 is the main component of Utah’s wintertime air pollution. PM2.5 refers to microscopic particles, or particulate matter (PM), that have a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers—smaller than pollen…

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