Category: Sanitary Surveys

  • Corrective Action Plan (CAP): Drinking Water

    A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is a type of enforcement agreement between a water system and the Division of Drinking Water (DDW) to correct deficiencies found within a water system due to a Sanitary Survey, Site Visit, or a Level 2 Assessment. This plan is to help ensure that a water system has time to…

  • Forms: Division of Drinking Water

    Find Drinking Water forms, applications, and checklists here.

  • Sanitary Surveys: Training

    Videos Training Documents Training Presentations

  • Sanitary Surveys

    What is a Sanitary Survey? All public drinking water systems are periodically inspected to assess their construction, operations, and record keeping. The inspections identify conditions that may present a sanitary or public health risk. Utah state regulations (R309-100-7) require that a sanitary survey be conducted at least every three years on all public water systems…

  • Training: Division of Drinking Water

    Training CalendarFind training and relevant events near you. Provided by the Utah Water and Wastewater Training Coalition. Study MaterialsFind study guides, math formulas, presentations, and more to help you Become Certified. WaterLink HelpHow to use WaterLink. Videos and Screencasts Monthly WebinarsWebinars air live every last/second-to-last Monday of the month. Watch past webinars and find past CEU…

  • Ensuring Safe Drinking Water – for Utah

    By Ken Bousfield It’s easy to take your safe drinking water for granted, whether it’s coming out of your kitchen faucet or the tap at your son’s Boy Scout camp. One of our jobs at the Division of Drinking Water is to conduct sanitary surveys—onsite inspections of drinking water systems—to ensure that the water they…

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