Category: Radon

  • 2023-2024 National Radon Poster Contest Entrants

    Contest info Voting instructions Posters (Click images to view bigger size) Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 11

  • Test Results by Zip Code

    DEQ Short Term Radon Test Results by County and Zip Explore twenty years of Radon zip code data collected from DEQ (218 KB) Environmental Data Tracking Explore radon data by zip code from Utah Environmental Tracking Program

  • Realtor Guides

    Related Links Recommended Brochures for Realtors Recommended Videos for Realtors

  • Newborn Radon Program

    Congratulations on the Birth of your new Child! Now is the time to take an important step and test your home for RADON to ensurethat your child grows up in a healthy home environment. The only way to know if your home has elevated RADON levels is to test today. Sign up for your free…

  • Drinking Water Monitoring and Reporting Program

    Water may be contaminated by a variety of substances. To protect public health, Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) have been established. The concentration of a particular contaminant in drinking water must not exceed it’s MCL. To assure that water served to the public is routinely checked for bacteriologic, chemical, and radiologic quality, a Monitoring and Reporting…

  • High radon levels? What’s next

    Related Links You’ve probably heard that one in three homes in Utah has elevated levels of radon, and that radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers. And since you care about your family’s health and safety, you’ve tested your home — and your results came in above the EPA action level of…

  • How to Test Your Home for Radon

    Related Links How to use a short-term test Step 1: Place the test kit in the lowest living level of your home This may be a bedroom, living room, office, playroom or den, the basement if it is frequently used, or the first floor. The test should be at least three feet from an exterior…

  • Radon Resources

    Related Links EPA Radon Publications The following links will take you to the EPA Radon Website. Certified Providers The following links will take you to the EPA Radon Certified Providers Website. Radon Documents The following documents provide further information about Radon. Maps Related Sites

  • Radon Program Media

    Related Links In The Media January is Radon Action Month Videos

  • Radon News and Events Archive

    2018 2017 2016 2015 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007

  • How to Become a Radon Certified Professional in Utah

    Related Links Become a Radon Certified Mitigator in Utah Step 1 In order to become a Certified Radon Mitigator in Utah one must hold a contractor’s license to install a radon mitigation system. Several contractor license classifications can do this within the scope of their license – if they have the required radon mitigation certification.…

  • Real Estate Transactions in Utah

    Related Links Why Do Real Estate Professionals Need to Know About Radon? Radon causes lung cancer after prolonged exposure and can build to dangerous levels in certain homes. Many people wait until they are about to sell their home or buy a new one before they decide to learn more about radon. By learning about…

  • State Qualifications for Radon Mitigation Professionals

    Tips on How to Select a Professional During the 2009 General Legislative Session, Senate Bill 163 was passed and signed by Governor Huntsman (effective May 12, 2009). This bill provides that electrical and plumbing work done within a six month period on a building project with a value of less than $3,000 must be done by…

  • Radon Data Requests

    We frequently receive requests for access to radon test kit data for research or other informational purposes. To help facilitate these requests, two public radon data queries are available through the Utah Environmental Public Health Tracking website at the Utah Department of Health: These queries display Please use these queries to determine your data needs…

  • Radon Educated Home Builders and Inspectors

    Related Links The Division offers a free continuing education core credit course entitled, “Radon Resistant New Construction” to Utah home builders and inspectors. To sign up for the course, contact Radon Instructor Eleanor Divver ( (801) 536-0091. The Division recognizes the home builders and building inspectors who have completed the “Radon Resistant New Construction” course…

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