Category: Ground Water

  • Current Permits:
    Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Program

    Ground Water Discharge Permits Jump to: Ground Water Discharge Permits (Current) Permittee Permitted Facility/Operation Permit No. Statement of Basis Manager Advanced Clean Energy Storage I, LLC (ACES I) Brine Pond 4 UGW450013Appendix AAppendix B SOB Dan Hall ([email protected]) American Pacific Corporation (AMPAC) Wastewater pond UGW210002 SOB Woodrow Campbell ([email protected]) Barrick Resources (USA) Inc. Tailings impoundment…

  • Classes:
    Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Program

    Utah classifies ground water according to Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) concentration and contaminant concentration as follows: Class I Ground Water CLASS I ground water is subdivided into three subclasses: Class IA, Class IB, and Class IC. Class IA Class IA ground water is referred to as Pristine Ground Water and is classified as such by…

  • Glossary: Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Program

    This glossary contains terminology compiled and explained by the Division of Water Quality to help you better understand the Ground Water Quality Protection Program. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

  • Permitted-by-Rule Facilities:
    Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Program

    The following facilities are considered to be permitted-by-rule under the Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Program and are not required to obtain a ground water discharge permit provided they do not cause ground water to exceed ground water quality standards or the applicable class TDS limits. PBR Facilities PBR Facility Responsibility No facility listed above…

  • Resources for Outreach and Education:
    Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Program

    Ground Water Discharge Permitting Liner Requirements for Liquid Waste Storage Facilities at Animal Feeding Operations (Tables 2a, 2b & 2c) Precious Metals Heap Leach Extraction Facilities Rapid Infiltration Basin Information

  • Standards:
    Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Program

    Table 1 of R317-6-2.1 Physical Characteristics Parameter CASRN GWQS Unit Color 15.0 Corrosivity Noncorrosive Odor 3.0 pH 6.5 – 8.5 Inorganic Chemicals Parameter CASRN GWQS Unit Bromate 7789-38-0 0.01 mg/l Chloramine (as Cl2) 10599-90-3 4.0 mg/l Chlorine (as Cl2) 7782-50-5 4.0 mg/l Chlorine Dioxide 10049-04-4 0.8 mg/l Chlorite 7758-19-2 1.0 mg/l Cyanide (free) 143-33-9 0.2…

  • Aquifer Classification:
    Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Program

    Aquifer Classification Process When sufficient information is available, entire aquifers or parts of aquifers may be classified or reclassified by the Utah Water Quality Board according to ground water quality of the aquifer. Petition Requirements Any person may petition the Water Quality Board for classification of an aquifer, and the petition must include the following…

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