Category: Water Quality

  • Great Salt Lake Monitoring Program

    Routine water-quality data collection helps the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) take appropriate actions to protect Great Salt Lake’s (GSL) beneficial uses. DWQ’s GSL monitoring program is designed to detect potential changes in water quality conditions, support the development of numeric and narrative water quality standards, guide discharge permitting decisions, and assess beneficial use attainment…

  • Great Salt Lake Discharge Permitting Program

    General Permitting Program The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) requires and issues Utah Pollution Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) permits to all entities that discharge pollutants from a point source to waters of the state, including discharges of domestic and industrial wastewater along with more diffuse sources like stormwater. For domestic and industrial dischargers, these permits…

  • Great Salt Lake Water-Quality Standards

    Read about water quality standards in regards to the Great Salt Lake.

  • Great Salt Lake Water Quality Strategy

    Read about the Great Salt Lake Water Quality Strategy.

  • Great Salt Lake

    Learn about Water Quality’s Great Salt Lake strategy, standards, permitting, and monitoring.

  • Aquifer Classification:
    Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Program

    Aquifer Classification Process When sufficient information is available, entire aquifers or parts of aquifers may be classified or reclassified by the Utah Water Quality Board according to ground water quality of the aquifer. Petition Requirements Any person may petition the Water Quality Board for classification of an aquifer, and the petition must include the following…

  • January 23, 2019 Agenda: Water Quality Board

    Meeting Agenda Headwater Numeric Nutrient Criteria – Work Meeting Begins at 8:30 am DEQ Board Room – #1015Teleconference Toll-Free: 1-877-820-7831Participant Passcode: 782887 Next Meeting—February 27, 2019DEQ Building Board Room 1015195 North 1950 WestSalt lake City, UT 84116

  • Millville City

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Millville City.

  • Rasmussen Feedlot

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Rasmussen Feedlot.

  • Gramoll Construction Company

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Gramoll Construction Company.

  • Stakeholders and the Watershed Approach:
    Watershed Management Program

    Who are Stakeholders? Simply put, stakeholders are people who have a stake, or interest, in what occurs in their area. Ultimately this includes all of us depending on where we live, work, and play. The key difference between a stakeholder and the average citizen is that stakeholders take an active role by participating in watershed…

  • Planning:
    Watershed Management Program

    Watershed planning efforts all share a few common traits Inclusiveness and Coordination Watershed Framework Desire to Preserve and/or Improve the Quality of Life and the Environment Long Term Commitment Development of a Watershed Plan Watershed Plan A watershed plan is a document developed by the watershed planning group that includes: Characterization of the watershed (total…

  • Monitoring and Assessment:
    Watershed Management Program

    The Division of Water Quality regularly monitors and assesses our streams and lakes to ensure their designated beneficial uses are supported. Beneficial uses include drinking water, recreation (swimming and boating), aquatic wildlife, and agricultural use (irrigation and stock watering). For more information on please refer to State of Utah’s 305b Report to Congress, individual watershed…

  • Coordination:
    Watershed Management Program

    The Division of Water Quality is committed to coordinating watershed restoration efforts with stakeholders and other agencies. Utah Watershed Coordination Council The Utah Watershed Coordination Council, made up of local watershed committee chairpersons and their staff, meet on a quarterly basis to learn about funding sources and training opportunities. An open forum is also provided…

  • Jordan River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL:
    Watershed Management Program

    Jump to: Documents Water Quality Modeling Technical Advisory Committee Contact Thank you for your interest in the Jordan River TMDL process. This page is designed to keep the Salt Lake Valley community better informed about what is going on with the Jordan River. Please refer back frequently, as we will continue to keep this page…

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