Category: Water Quality

  • Richmond City Wastewater Treatment Facility

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in the Richmond City Wastewater Treatment Facility.

  • Reynolds Excavation

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Reynolds Excavation.

  • Revolution Dairy Farm

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Revolution Dairy Farm.

  • Red Leaf Resources

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Red Leaf Resources.

  • Green River Waste Water Treatment Plant

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Green River Waste Water Treatment Plant.

  • Green River Resources, Inc.: American Sands Energy Corp.

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Green River Resources, Inc.: American Sands Energy Corp.

  • Great Salt Lake Minerals Corporation

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Great Salt Lake Minerals Corporation.

  • Tesoro Refining and Marketing (formerly BP Products North America Inc. and Amoco Oil Company)

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Tesoro Refining and Marketing.

  • Swift and Company

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Swift and Company.

  • SW Energy

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in SW Energy.

  • Sun Ray Dairy

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Sun Ray Dairy.

  • Water Quality Standards

    Standards for Quality for Waters of the State are contained in UAC R317-2. The water quality standards are intended to protect Utah’s waters and improve the quality for beneficial uses. Beneficial uses include drinking water, fish and aquatic life, wildlife, agricultural, industrial, and recreational uses. Once the beneficial uses are established, criteria that are protective…

  • Standards Workgroup

    The WQS Workgroup members are volunteers selected so that different stakeholder perspectives are considered when standards are developed. Stakeholders who want to bring additional perspectives to the Workgroup are encouraged to work through a Workgroup member. Recommendations and opinions of Workgroup members are not binding nor is a Workgroup review required for changing standards. Ultimately,…

  • Antidegradation Reviews – Water Quality

    The central goals of the Clean Water Act and the Utah Water Quality Act are to protect, maintain, and restore the quality of Utah’s waters. One way in which this is accomplished is through Utah’s water quality standards, which consist of: designated uses (e.g., aquatic life, drinking water, recreation) water quality criteria (both numeric and…

  • Triennial Review – Water Quality

    2023 Triennial Review The 2023 Triennial Review is underway. DWQ is currently soliciting input from the public and interested parties regarding standards topics to be considered during the review including any specific recommended changes to Utah’s Standards of Quality for Waters of the State. When appropriate, the rationale and any supporting information should be included…

  • Guidance – Water Quality Standards

    2017 Utah Implementation Guidance for the 2013 USEPA Ammonia Criteria for the Protection of  Aquatic Life (1.52 MB) Waste Load Allocation Procedures (1.06 MB) Standards Support Documents 2020 Kanab Creek Use and Value Assessment and Revised Criteria for Dissolved Solids (17 MB) 2019 Standards Revisions Support Document (2 MB) Attachment 2: Criteria Support Document: Site-specific criteria based…

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