Department of Environmental Quality

Tag: Great Salt Lake

  • Inland Port Monitoring

    The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has been tasked with establishing baseline conditions for stormwater and air quality within the statutorily defined area of Utah Inland Port (UIP) Authority. In addition, DEQ has been a part of land remediation and clean-up efforts at the North Temple Landfill Redevelopment site. Data collected by DEQ through…

  • Testing the Waters at the Inland Port

    To protect the Great Salt Lake, the Utah Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Water Quality developed a water quality sampling plan to check the effects of the inland port on the lake. This will provide the Utah Inland Port Authority and DEQ scientists with valuable data about potential stormwater-related pollution at the site.

  • Utah’s “Lake Stink”

    While the Great Salt Lake is famous worldwide, it’s notorious locally for what has been dubbed “lake stink.”

  • Proposed UPDES Permit to Discharge to Great Salt Lake:
    Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District

    Jump to: History Meetings Permit Resources The Utah Division of Water Quality received a request from Jordan Valley for a Utah Pollution Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) permit to discharge byproduct water via a 21 mile, 16 inch diameter pipeline running from the Jordan Valley facility in West Jordan to the mouth of Gilbert Bay along…

  • Great Salt Lake Summer Ozone Study

    DAQ (Division of Air Quality) monitoring found high levels of ozone near the Great Salt Lake from 2010-2013. The Division also found a wide variance in the concentration of ozone in the stable air pocket over the lake during the summertime. Though the mechanisms behind air flow in lake and coastal regions have been studied…

  • Great Salt Lake Ambient Hydrochloric Acid Study

    Atmospheric chlorine is a strong oxidant and known to potentially initiate photochemistry via reactions with various common hydrocarbons. Kerry et al (2013) found that chlorine atoms significantly contribute to local Salt Lake City PM2.5 during elevated wintertime episodes with ammonium chloride accounting for 10-15% of the PM2.5 mass. In order quantify the concentrations of local…

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