Category: Energy (Cost) Savings Program

  • Internal or Operational and Behavioral Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    Jump to: Sustainability Train and Educate Adminsitrative Operational Office Facilities Public Relations and Education Materials and Equipment Recycling Fleet and Transportation System Regionalization Efficiencies What do the icons below mean? This section describes energy efficiency strategies that can simply be achieved by management or operation changes in the way we function in the workplace. Many…

  • Engineering and Design Efficiency Goals: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Ensure that all new water storage and pumping facilities are designed and sized with off-peak pumping demands in mind. Study potential ASR programs (Aquifer Storage and Recovery), including possibly other similar groundwater programs to reduce the peak pumping and treatment load on the company facilities in the summer months.…

  • Energy Supply, Timing, Control, and Backup Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Much of the data-gathering and fieldwork necessitated by this section should be performed by qualified personnel, who are adept at electrical safety and arc-flash procedures: Carefully select the appropriate utility energy rate for the pumping application. (See Energy and Power Rate Dynamics.) Pumping Selections should be based on unit…

  • Distribution System Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Ensure that all PRVs are properly maintained and tuned to provide optimum pressure levels which may, in turn, reduce accompanying distribution system water losses. Review fire hydrants annually and test for possible leaks. Keep a centrally accessible and well-maintained set of pipe location and leak detection instruments to ensure…

  • Conservation Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    Jump to: Water Conservation Water Accountability Energy conservation almost always begins with water conservation, including the process of improved accounting for water losses within the various complex operational systems. What do the icons below mean? Water Conservation Encouraging water conservation has a direct linkage with energy conservation. Not only does it save energy resources, it…

  • Resource Needs Codes: Drinking Water Energy (Cost) Savings Program

    Using icons, items in this Energy Cost Savings Report are classified into three energy auditing tiers alongside a corresponding project, or group of projects, indicating the possible resources needed to accomplish the tasks.

  • Appendices: Drinking Water Energy (Cost) Savings Program

    The Appendices list helpful websites that relate to energy efficiency and/or funding opportunities. Appendix ADrinking Water Board’s Financing Program Appendix BUtah Office of Energy Development’s U-Save Program Appendix CEnergy Service Companies Appendix DRocky Mountain Power’s Wattsmart Program Appendix EWebsites that Provide Guidance on Performing Energy Audits Appendix FAdditional Helpful Websites

  • Acknowledgements: Drinking Water Energy (Cost) Savings Program

    The content for the Drinking Water Energy (Cost) Savings Program Web pages and associated Handbook was prepared by many people and it is appropriate that they be given credit for their work. I will proceed in giving credit consistent with the order in which the Handbook is organized. I acknowledge the work done by Steven…

  • Acronyms and Definitions: Drinking Water Energy (Cost) Savings Program

    A/C: Air Conditioning AC: Alternating Current ac-ft: Acre Feet; a volume of water covering an acre a foot deep (43,560 cubic feet). air-vac: Air Vacuum Valves ASR: Aquifer Storage and Recovery AWWA: American Water Works Association C: The discharge coefficient used in the Hazen Williams equation of flow (the higher the C value the higher…

  • Drinking Water Energy (Cost) Savings Program Handbook

    This handbook was prepared to provide water system operators and managers with ideas on how to save a significant amount of money by reducing the cost of power necessary to provide water to their customers. As a minimum, the ideas presented herein should enable water systems to lower the cost for power in spite of…

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