Tag: Certification Program

  • Certification Manuals: Certification Program

    The UST Certification Requirements and Rules contain the most recent versions of rules and regulations and should be used to study for all certification exams. Tank Installers should use the rules manual and any study material obtained when they were initially certified (PEI RP100 is also useful). All exams are open book. Tests are given…

  • Recertification Exams: Certification Program

    Applicants for first time Certification for Groundwater/Soil Sampler, UST Remover, and UST Installer must attend a Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) approved course. Those whose certification has been expired for more than two years must take a DERR approved course. For more information contact Chelsea Qualls ([email protected]) (801) 536-4100. Initial and recertification exams…

  • Eligibility: Certification Program

    UST Installer Utah Underground Storage Tank rules and requirements for Installers include the following items. See the full document for details. Financial Assurance An applicant or the applicant’s employer shall have insurance, surety bonds, liquid company assets, or other appropriate kinds of financial assurance. ($250,000) Training For initial and renewal certification, an applicant must have…

  • Certification Courses and Testing: Certification Program (UST)

    All initial and renewal certification testing will be conducted by appointment only at the DEQ/DERR office located at 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City. You must submit an application, supporting documents and certification fee five business days prior to taking the exam, not the day of testing. Incomplete application packets will not be accepted. …

  • Certified UST Contractors

    Individuals and companies certified by the State of Utah Division of Environmental Response to perform specific work related to Underground Storage Tanks. These lists are in no way an endorsement.

  • Contractor Certification Program:

    UST Rules R311-201 requires individuals working on Underground Storage Tank systems to be certified by DERR. Applicants for first time Certification for Groundwater/Soil Sampler, UST Remover, and UST Installer must attend a Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) approved course or equivalent. Those whose certification has been expired for more than two years must…

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