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Eligibility: Certification Program

UST Installer

Utah Underground Storage Tank rules and requirements for Installers include the following items. See the full document for details.

Financial Assurance

An applicant or the applicant’s employer shall have insurance, surety bonds, liquid company assets, or other appropriate kinds of financial assurance. ($250,000)


For initial and renewal certification, an applicant must have successfully completed an underground storage tank installer approved training course within the six-month period prior to the application in a program approved by the Executive Secretary. Training shall include: Pre-installation tank testing, tank site preparation including anchoring, tank placement, backfilling, cathodic protection installation, service or repair, vent and product piping assembly, fill tube attachment, installation of manholes, pump installation, secondary containment, UST repair, and state and federal statutes, rules and regulations.


Each applicant must provide with his application a sworn statement or other evidence that he has actively participated in a minimum of three underground storage tank installations.

  • Examination
    An applicant must successfully pass a certification examination.
  • Fees
    Certification fee of $225 for 2 year certification period.

In addition to an UST Installer, installation companies must have:

UST Installation Company Permit From DERR

After July 1, 1994 no individual or underground installation company may install an UST without having a valid UST installation company permit. This permit provides the UST Installation Company with $1 million of financial assurance for environmental releases after paying $10,000 per incidence.

  • Fees
    • Annual fee of $2,000 if 15 or fewer USTs were installed in Utah during the prior year.
    • Annual fee of $4,000 if 16 or more USTs were installed in Utah during the prior year.
    • The annual fee is due July 1 each year. There is no proration for portions of the year. A $60 penalty is assessed for payments which are received late.
    • Installation permit fee of $200 for installation of each UST system. (See R311-203-3.)

Petroleum System Contractor Licence from the DOPL

  • Training
    “Trade training” as required for certification of UST Installer Examination: An applicant must successfully pass the UST Installer certification exam administered by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) and a business and law examination administered by the Division of Professional Licensing (DOPL).
  • Fees
    Examination fee and licensing fee as required by the Division of Professional Licensing.

UST Installer Specialties

Cathodic Protection

  • Training
    Applicant must document specialized training for installation of cathodic protection.
  • Experience
    Each applicant must provide with his application a sworn statement or other evidence of actively participating in a minimum of three installations of cathodic protection of underground storage tanks.
  • Examination
    An applicant must successfully pass a certification examination.
  • Fees
    Certification fee of $225 for 2 year certification period. No additional fee is required if the applicant is currently certified as an installer and the expiration date remains the same.


  • Training
    Applicant must document specialized training for UST lining.
  • Experience
    Each applicant must provide with his application a sworn statement or other evidence of actively participating in a minimum of three UST linings.
  • Examination
    An applicant must successfully pass a certification examination.
  • Fees
    Certification fee of $225 for 2 year certification period. No additional fee is required if the applicant is currently certified as an installer and the expiration date remains the same.

UST Remover

Financial Assurance

An applicant or the applicant’s employer shall have insurance, surety bonds, liquid company assets or other appropriate kinds of financial assurance. ($250,000)

  • Training
    For initial and renewal certification, an applicant must have successfully completed an underground storage tank remover approved training course within the six-month period prior to the application in a program approved by the Executive Secretary. Training shall include: removal of the soil adjacent to the tank, disassembly of pipe, final removal of sludges from the tank, cleaning of the tank, purging or inerting of the tank, removal of the tank from the ground, removal of the tank form the site, and state and federal statutes, rules and regulations.
  • Experience
    Each applicant must provide with his application a sworn statement or other evidence that he has actively participated in a minimum of three underground storage tank removals.
  • Examination
    An applicant must successfully pass a certification examination.
  • Fees
    Course fees and certification fee of $225 for 2 year certification period.

UST Precision Tester

Additional requirements for Cathodic Protection Testers and Automatic Line Leak Detector Testers.

Financial Assurance

An applicant or the applicant’s employer shall have insurance, surety bonds, liquid company assets or other appropriate kinds of financial assurance. ($50,000)

  • Training
    An applicant must have successfully passed a training course conducted by the manufacturer of the UST precision testing equipment that he will be using.
  • Performance Standards of Equipment
    An applicant shall submit documentation which demonstrates the UST precision testing equipment meets performance standards of R311-202 Part 280.40(a)(3), 280.43(c), and 280.44(b) for tank and product piping tightness testing.
  • Fees
    Course fees and certification fee of $225 for 2 year certification period.

UST Groundwater and Soil Sampler

  • Training
    Training shall include: chain of custody, decontamination, EPA testing methods, groundwater and soil sampling protocol, preservation of samples during transportation, coordination with Utah certified labs, state and federal statutes, rules and regulations.
  • Examination
    An applicant must successfully pass a certification examination.
  • Fees
    Course fees and certification fee of $225 for 2 year certification period.

Performance Standards for Certification

Each certificate holder must comply with performance standards:

  • shall display his certificate upon request;
  • shall comply with all local, state and federal laws and regulations regarding underground storage tank handling in this state;
  • shall perform all work such that there is no release of the contents of the tank;
  • shall report the discovery of any release caused by or encountered in the course of performing tank handling to the local health district, local public safety office and the Executive Secretary within twenty-four hours;
  • shall assure that all operations of UST work which are critical to the integrity of the system and to the protection of the environment;
  • shall not proceed to close a regulated UST system without an approved closure plan, except as outlined in R311-204-2(b);
  • shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to any certificate application;
  • shall not participate in fraudulent, unethical, deceitful or dishonest activity with respect to performance of work for which certification is granted where such activity would increase the possibility of a release from an underground storage tank; and,
  • shall not participate in any other regulated certification program activities without meeting all requirements of that certification program.


If the Executive Secretary determines that another state’s certification program is equivalent to the certification program provided in R311-201 and payment of any fees associated with R311-202 are made, he may issue a Utah certificate.


For additional information about the Utah Certification Program contact:

Chelsea Qualls ([email protected])

or write:

Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (UST)
P.O. Box 144840 195 North 1950 West, First Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840
FAX: (801) 359-8853

ADA Notice

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact LeAnn Johnson ([email protected]. ), Office of Human Resources at (385) 226-4881, Telecommunications Relay Service 711.

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