Volkswagen Settlement Vehicle Awards
Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) Option. The DERA option through the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Fund serves as a non-federal voluntary match to the State Clean Diesel Grant Program. Awardee Replacement Type Award Amount Number of Vehicles Awarded Eligible Mitigation Action Category Salt Lake City School District Diesel to Electric $700,357.05 4 School Buses
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Awards
State of Utah VW Settlement AwardsLight-Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Supply Equipment Category Awardee/Locations Award Amount1 EVSE Type2 Number of EVSEs3 Number EVSE Installed4 Dollars Paid for Projects Completed Clinton CityLoc. 1: Civic Center ParkLoc. 2: Center ParkLoc. 3: Powerline Park $60,129.00 Level 2 3 Dual-port 3 Dual-port $46,808.38 Davis Technical CollegeLoc.: DATC Campus $49,000.00 Level…
Vehicle/Engine Replacement Awards
State of Utah VW Settlement AwardsClass 4-8 Local Freight Truck, School Bus, Shuttle Bus, and Transit Bus Categories Awardee Replacement Type Award Amount Number of Vehicles Awarded Eligible Mitigation Action Category Bountiful City Diesel to Diesel $145,000.00 2 Class 8 Local Freight Truck Canyons School District Diesel to Diesel $826,000.00 14 School Buses Davis School…
Eligibility: Volkswagen Settlement
Entities: Government entities as defined in Utah Code § 63G-7-102(4) and federal government agencies. Eligible Equipment (Application forms listed in next section) Vehicle or engine replacements of Class 4-8 local freight trucks, school buses, shuttle buses, and/or transit buses (323 KB), engine model years 1992-2006*. VW funding is available for: Up to 50% of the cost…
Stakeholder & Public Input Process: Volkswagen Settlement
Volkswagen Advisory Committee DEQ established an advisory committee to develop recommendations for Utah. The agency asked the committee to identify and evaluate eligible mitigation actions, suggest funding options, and develop recommendations for public review and comment. See their recommendations. The advisory committee recommendations, the public comments received during the November 2017 public comment period, and…
DEQ’s Cost-Per-Ton Analysis of Eligible Vehicles/Equipment Replacement Projects: Volkswagen Settlement
The following chart shows the cost-per-ton of NOx emissions reduced by replacing eligible vehicles and equipment. For a comparison, the green line represents the cost-per-ton of excess NOx emissions from the affected Volkswagen (VW) vehicles that VW will pay in penalties through the settlement to the State. Note: Costs for new forklifts, airport ground support…
Volkswagen Settlement
The Utah Department of Environmental Quality has selected 18 government entities to receive funding for electric vehicle charging projects through the State’s $35 million share of the Volkswagen Clean Diesel Settlement.