Volkswagen Advisory Committee
DEQ established an advisory committee to develop recommendations for Utah. The agency asked the committee to identify and evaluate eligible mitigation actions, suggest funding options, and develop recommendations for public review and comment. See their recommendations. The advisory committee recommendations, the public comments received during the November 2017 public comment period, and data and policy analysis will guide the funding decisions that will be detailed in the EMP. See the summary of public comments below:
Summary of Public Input
- 63 comments received (43 online respondents and 20 emails)
- Companies promoting their own technologies
- Citizens (varied both geographically and content-wise)
- Advocacy groups generally want DEQ to use this opportunity to promote electric technology
- Government (all 16 comments were from Cache County government agencies in favor of public fleet replacements)
- ~15 responses (7 advocacy groups, 4 citizens, and 3 companies) want to see full 15% used for EV infrastructure
- 82 people submitted a form through one of the advocacy groups with the same comment
County where respondents reside (43 online respondents)
Each respondent could choose each eligible mitigation action that they would like to see funded (43 online respondents)