Category: Drinking Water

  • Bank Financing: Funding Opportunities

    Banking institutions provide financial assistance to public water systems to design and construct capital improvements to drinking water system infrastructure. This section provides an overview of the financing tools available and an explanation of the process. Banks lend money to public water systems and like other funding partners evidence that loan with one of two…

  • Water User (or Demand Side) Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Implement increasing block water rates (with many tiers), including possible surcharges to higher demand customers. Doing this is the first step to actively encourage customers to be more involved in water conservation measures. Investigate zero based rates which provide no water in the base charge. Review the feasibility of…

  • Technology and SCADA Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Key to the operation of a successful advanced energy management strategy is the close and persistent review of pumping and energy data. While many SCADA systems are adept at general plant operations, an advanced system requires more analysis of the situations at hand, and must make more complex decisions,…

  • System Modeling Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? One of the first steps necessary to the proper development a comprehensive energy audit of a system is to perform an extended period computer model to evaluate the source, distribution, and pumping system’s functions and performance. While the modeling can be somewhat complex, system personnel and others can assist…

  • Storage System Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Know all tank dimensions, including elevations of floor and overflow. Verify tank capacities and the capacity per foot. Know the equalization, fire, and emergency levels and capacities. Know your tank rate of changes +/- at all times with the SCADA system. With this information, make informed decisions, instead of…

  • Water Source (or Supply Side) Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? To begin with, ask yourself, “Is the source water actually making it to a tank? Does it really need to?” (See Leaping.) This can be modeled and monitored in a SCADA system setting. Run sources (or prioritize them) based on energy costs per unit of water (also known as…

  • Energy and Power Rate Dynamics: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? This section describes many of the key energy and power tariffs, regulations, and operational opportunities available to Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) customers. These regulations may be similar to those water utilities which are supplied by local Municipal Power Systems. Check with their local tariffs and regulations to properly review…

  • Pumping System Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Pumping system efficiencies are decreased if: The pump is operating outside of its pump curve efficiency range. The pump is worn or not of a proper design. The flow of water is restricted or throttled on the suction (and/or) discharge side. The electrical control system, i.e., VFD is not…

  • Plant or Treatment Facility Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Upgrade key chlorinating disinfection units to more efficient systems, utilizing less energy either in production and/or transportation and handling of product. Investigate chlorine generation systems. We live in a State with accessible and cheap salt deliveries, making the electrolytic generation of chlorine much more efficient. Implement more natural and…

  • Energy Saving Investigation Process: Drinking Water Energy (Cost) Savings Program

    While the list below appears extensive, it is still not inclusive of everything, as such, do not become overwhelmed. The rewards of this exercise will likely be small in some areas, but can be great in others. Remember that summed together, they can show significant economies in operational performance and costs. Go about this effort…

  • Internal or Operational and Behavioral Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    Jump to: Sustainability Train and Educate Adminsitrative Operational Office Facilities Public Relations and Education Materials and Equipment Recycling Fleet and Transportation System Regionalization Efficiencies What do the icons below mean? This section describes energy efficiency strategies that can simply be achieved by management or operation changes in the way we function in the workplace. Many…

  • Engineering and Design Efficiency Goals: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Ensure that all new water storage and pumping facilities are designed and sized with off-peak pumping demands in mind. Study potential ASR programs (Aquifer Storage and Recovery), including possibly other similar groundwater programs to reduce the peak pumping and treatment load on the company facilities in the summer months.…

  • Energy Supply, Timing, Control, and Backup Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Much of the data-gathering and fieldwork necessitated by this section should be performed by qualified personnel, who are adept at electrical safety and arc-flash procedures: Carefully select the appropriate utility energy rate for the pumping application. (See Energy and Power Rate Dynamics.) Pumping Selections should be based on unit…

  • Distribution System Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    What do the icons below mean? Ensure that all PRVs are properly maintained and tuned to provide optimum pressure levels which may, in turn, reduce accompanying distribution system water losses. Review fire hydrants annually and test for possible leaks. Keep a centrally accessible and well-maintained set of pipe location and leak detection instruments to ensure…

  • Conservation Efficiencies: Energy Saving Investigation Process

    Jump to: Water Conservation Water Accountability Energy conservation almost always begins with water conservation, including the process of improved accounting for water losses within the various complex operational systems. What do the icons below mean? Water Conservation Encouraging water conservation has a direct linkage with energy conservation. Not only does it save energy resources, it…

  • Resource Needs Codes: Drinking Water Energy (Cost) Savings Program

    Using icons, items in this Energy Cost Savings Report are classified into three energy auditing tiers alongside a corresponding project, or group of projects, indicating the possible resources needed to accomplish the tasks.

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