Category: Water Quality

  • Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO)
    and Animal Feeding Operations (AFO):
    Water Quality Permits

    This page presents links to DEQ permitting information for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) and Animal Feeding Operations (AFO). AFO Forms Notice of Intent for AFO Permit by Rule (PBR) (56 KB) CAFO Forms General Permit – Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Annual Report (99 KB) General Permit – Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Fact Sheet (90…

  • Abandoned Mine NPS Plan

    Public Notice 2012 Abandoned Mine NPS Plan Abandoned Mine NPS Plan (August 2011 Draft) Close of Comments: N/A Public Hearing: N/A Contact (Email): Jim Bowcutt ( Type: General Water Quality

  • Engineering Section:
    Division of Water Quality

    Construction Plan Design Review and Permits Contact Ken Hoffman (, (385) 622-3002 Sales Tax Exemption Other Systems

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction:
    Community’s Guide to the Utah Water Quality Project Assistance Program

    The Utah Water Quality Project Assistance Program (WQPAP) was created by the State Legislature in 1983 to provide financial assistance and state participation with the needs and requirements associated with conserving, developing, treating, restoring and protecting the waters of the State. The Water Quality Board is the policy making board and the Division of Water…

  • Chapter 2 – Getting Started:
    Community’s Guide to the Utah Water Quality Project Assistance Program

    Generally, communities get involved with water quality projects for one of two reasons. Either they have a problem that must be fixed to comply with water quality laws, or the community wants to make improvements for its own reasons. The first step is for you to have a firm idea of what you are trying…

  • Chapter 3 – Planning Your Project:
    Community’s Guide to the Utah Water Quality Project Assistance Program

    Effective project planning should help you define your current situation, select the best solution, identify specific steps to implement your solution, explain the project to your community as well as help secure WQPAP financing. Keep in mind that the future success of your project depends on the thoroughness of the work you do during this…

  • Chapter 4 – Designing Your Project:
    Community’s Guide to the Utah Water Quality Project Assistance Program

    Now that you have decided what you want to build, you need to prepare the construction documents so contractors can submit bids to construct the improvements. Ideally, work should start on these documents after DWQ has issued a final Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) and approved your plan. However, most communities start preparing the…

  • Chapter 5 – Receiving Your Loan and/or Grant:
    Community’s Guide to the Utah Water Quality Project Assistance Program

    Project planning and design are not the only steps necessary to receive a loan or grant. As with any financial matters, there are certain requirements that you must meet before you can receive funding. This section will discuss the necessary paperwork and other steps that you must take so that your loan is ready when…

  • Chapter 6 – Building Your Project:
    Community’s Guide to the Utah Water Quality Project Assistance Program

    Now that your loan has been awarded, you are ready to proceed with construction. After all the hard work has been done to get to this point, it is important to remember that building the facilities correctly can make the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful project. Also, construction rarely proceeds exactly as planned…

  • Chapter 7 – Conclusion:
    Community’s Guide to the Utah Water Quality Project Assistance Program

    The Water Pollution Control Loan Fund through the Water Quality Project Assistance Program (WQPAP) has offered financial, technical, and administrative assistance since 1989. Its success is a direct result of the efforts of communities, city officials, engineering firms and other federal, state and local agencies. The WQPAP has assisted many communities statewide in achieving improved…

  • Sales Tax Exemption:
    Water Pollution Control Facilities

    Jump to: Background Contact Guidance Procedures Statutes General Background and Guidance Certain pollution control facilities are exempt from sales tax (See R865-19S-83. Pollution-Control Facilities Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 59-12-104.) These facilities are defined as any land, structure, building, installation, excavation, machinery, equipment, device, etc., if the primary purpose of the construction or installation…

  • Water Quality Improvements:
    Financial Assistance Programs

    Eligibility Individuals, businesses, corporations, associations, private entity and government agencies are eligible for loans and grants. Purpose Financial Assistance is intended to be used for activities within watersheds that: Eligible Projects NPS Loans NPS Grants On-site Wastewater How to Apply Submit a financial assistance request form to: Utah Division of Water QualityP.O. Box 144870Salt Lake…

  • Financial Assistance Programs:
    Water Quality

    Funding Available for Water Quality and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects The Utah Division of Water Quality’s (DWQ) Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program (SRF) on average, receives a combined $9 million dollars a year from State and Federal funding and, on average, an additional $15 million in funding each year from loan repayments. This money…

  • Application Forms (for Onsite Professionals):
    Onsite Wastewater Program

    Choose the form for your situation Any individual wishing to hold an Onsite Professional certification in the state of Utah must apply to the Division of Water Quality. Utah Department of Environmental Quality Certification Pursuant to UCA 63G-12-104 (required for all “individuals” receiving a benefit from the State as of July 1, 2009) Original Certification…

  • Onsite Wastewater Program

    The Onsite Program includes certification of Onsite System Professionals, review of designs and plans for onsite septic systems (including large underground systems), operating permits and information about financial assistance available through the State Revolving Fund (SRF) program for repair or replacement of septic systems when applicants meet the requirements. Onsite (Septic) Wastewater Systems Onsite Professional…

  • Intended Use Plan and Project Priority List

    2023 Public Notice Fiscal Year 2023 Intended Use Plan and Project Priority List 2022 Public Notice Fiscal Year 2022 Intended Use Plan and Project Priority List 2021 Public Notice Fiscal Year 2021 Intended Use Plan and Project Priority List 2020 Public Notice FY20 Intended Use Plan 2019 Public Notice 2019 IUP Amendment 2019 Intended Use…

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