Category: Water Quality

  • Wild Horse Ranch – Richmond American Homes

    Read about DEQ’s Regulatory interests in Wild Horse Ranch – Richmond American Homes

  • Uintah Advantage

    Read about Utah DEQ’s regulatory interests in Uintah Advantage.

  • Health Advisory Panel

    The Utah Division of Water Quality and the Utah Department of Health have organized a Water Quality and Health Advisory Panel whose objectives are to coordinate and communicate on water quality issues associated with specific public health concerns. The primary current focus of the Panel will be coordination around waterborne pathogens (WBPs),Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs),…

  • Meetings and Public Notices: Water Quality and Health Advisory Panel

    Background The Utah Division of Water Quality and the Utah Department of Health and Human Services co-organize a Water Quality Health and Advisory Panel whose objectives are to coordinate and communicate on water quality issues associated with specific public health concerns. The primary current focus of the Panel is coordination around E. coli, mercury, and…

  • Get the Mercury Out!

    Mercury is a toxic chemical. If released to the environment it can cause serious ecological and health problems. Often it is found in our offices and homes. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children are the most sensitive to mercury poisoning. Potentially toxic mercury is found in a wide…

  • Assessment Methodology:

    DWQ has collected fish tissue samples for mercury analysis in waterbodies throughout the state since 2000. Since that time consumption advisories have been issued for 24 waterbodies (16 reservoir and 8 river sites). DWQ staff develop an annual fish sampling plan. Sampling criteria currently include: Sampling when a current consumption advisory is greater than 5…

  • Clean Air Mercury Rule

    The Clean air Mercury Rule was signed on May 18, 2005. It targets coal-fired electrical generating units larger than 25 MW. It sets nation-wide caps: 38 tons/yr in 2010 (Phase I) and 15 tons/yr in 2018 (Phase II) and beyond (down from an estimated 48 tons in 1999.) Each state has been allocated a cap…

  • Mercury and Automobiles

    What You Need to Know Mercury, a silver-colored liquid metal, is extremely toxic to the nervous system and may impair the way we see, hear, walk, and talk. When spilled, mercury can evaporate at room temperature and the vapors cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted. In the environment, mercury can be converted into a form…

  • Mercury

    Advisories and Health Effects Mercury (Hg) is a naturally occurring metal found throughout the environment. It is a liquid at room temperature, combines easily with other metals and expands and contracts evenly with temperature changes. Because of these properties, mercury has been used in many household, medical and industrial products. Although mercury performs many useful…

  • Science Panel Meetings:
    Utah Lake Water Quality Study

    The Science Panel is a disciplinary-based panel whose members have scientific expertise relevant to Utah Lake. The Panel identifies data gaps, provides recommendations to the Steering Committee, oversees research activities, and implements a process for independent peer review, among other responsibilities. Next Meeting Science Panel Meeting Past Meetings

  • Steering Committee Meeting Updates:
    Utah Lake Water Quality Study

    Steering Committee meetings take place on an as-needed basis following the phased study approach. The timing of Steering Committee meetings is based on the project timeline, Science Panel findings, and public outreach efforts. Next Meeting Steering Committee Meeting TBD Past Meetings

  • Utah Lake Science Panel:
    Utah Lake Water Quality Study

    The Utah Lake Science Panel was established by the Steering Committee in 2018 to provide independent and unbiased scientific advice to the Steering Committee. Science Panel members were selected to provide a full range of scientific expertise relevant to the unique characteristics of Utah Lake. The Science Panel is charged with guiding the development of…

  • Science Panel Membership:
    Utah Lake Water Quality Study

    The membership expertise of the Science Panel for the Utah Lake Water Quality Study.

  • Steering Committee Membership:
    Utah Lake Water Quality Study

    Utah Lake Water Quality Study Steering Committee membership details including stakeholder interest, affiliation, and contact info.

  • Disposal of Lamps that Contain Mercury

    Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) are highly efficient. They use 75 percent less energy and on average last 7 to 10 times longer than standard incandescent bulbs. By requiring less energy, these bulbs reduce the amount of pollution from energy production, which includes the emission of mercury from coal combustion. Because these bulbs contain small…

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