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Steering Committee Meeting Updates:
Utah Lake Water Quality Study

Committee Meeting

Steering Committee meetings take place on an as-needed basis following the phased study approach. The timing of Steering Committee meetings is based on the project timeline, Science Panel findings, and public outreach efforts.

Next Meeting

Steering Committee Meeting

January 9, 2025

  • Agenda
  • Join the Virtual meeting via Zoom – please see the agenda for Zoom information or send a request to [email protected] to access the meeting room.
  • Location: TBD

Past Meetings







June 22, 2017
Stakeholder Process

On June 22, 2017, the Utah Lake Commission Governing Board formally adopted a resolution endorsing the stakeholder process.

In November 2016, the Utah Division of Water Quality, Utah Lake Commission, and a group of engaged stakeholder initiated an effort to revise the existing stakeholder plan to develop a formal process for enhancing relationships, establishing goals and objectives for the project, implementing a scientifically defensible research plan, and recommending policy decisions. The product of this effort is a framework that establishes a 16-member Steering Committee representing the diverse stakeholder interests and an independent Science Panel responsible for developing scientifically defensible water quality goals for the lake. The Utah Lake Water Quality Study Stakeholder Process (873 KB) document discusses this approach in detail.

Additionally, DWQ received numerous comments from the Utah Lake Stakeholder group while developing the Stakeholder Process document. See the comments and associated responses (404 KB) for more information.

Last Updated:


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