2011 Uinta Basin Ozone Studies (UBOS) Study
During the winter of 2010-2011, the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) partnered with Utah State University Energy Dynamics Lab to study elevated winter ozone levels in the Uinta Basin. The study was done to understand the extent and behavior of winter ozone development in the Basin. Ten portable air monitors were placed throughout the Basin…
Ozone Standards and Development of a State Implementation Plan (SIP): Uinta Basin
Jump to: Levels Standards SIP Reductions Proposed changes to the existing ozone standard combined with increasing incidences of high ozone values in the Uinta Basin could require further reductions in emissions from oil and gas operations. If ozone levels exceed federal air quality standards, the Basin could be designated as a nonattainment area, requiring preparation…
What is Ozone?
Ozone is an odorless, colorless gas made up of three oxygen atoms (O3) and is a natural part of the environment. It occurs both in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, or stratosphere, and at ground level in the lower atmosphere, or troposphere. Approximately 90 percent of atmospheric ozone is located in the stratosphere, which begins about…
Frequently Asked Questions about Ozone and Your Health
On hot, sunny summer days, ground level ozone can rise to unhealthy levels. Breathing ozone can trigger a variety of symptoms, including coughing, throat irritation, and chest pain. It is important to understand the health effects of ozone and the simple steps you can take to protect yourself. How can ozone affect health? Ozone affects…
50 Summer Suggestions Regarding Ozone
Drive Less Driving less doesn’t mean you have to stay home. Try any of these ways to get to where you want to go: Drive Smarter Driving smarter keeps pollution at a minimum. At Home At Work
Check Daily Air Quality Forecast to Plan Ahead & Protect Health
Utah DEQ provides air-quality forecasting throughout the summer through its UtahAir app, website, and regular email updates.
Great Salt Lake Summer Ozone Study
DAQ (Division of Air Quality) monitoring found high levels of ozone near the Great Salt Lake from 2010-2013. The Division also found a wide variance in the concentration of ozone in the stable air pocket over the lake during the summertime. Though the mechanisms behind air flow in lake and coastal regions have been studied…
Ozone: EPA Designates Marginal Nonattainment Areas in Utah
The Wasatch Front and parts of the Uinta Basin were designated as Marginal nonattainment areas for ozone this week by the EPA. A Marginal designation is the least stringent classification for a nonattainment area and doesn’t require the state to submit a formal State Implementation Plan (SIP).
Chemical Mechanisms at Low Temperatures
Wintertime ozone in the Uinta Basin is unique and requires improvements to the photochemical models used for winter conditions. Current chemical mechanisms within the modeling system assume a summertime temperature of 300 K (80° F) when performing important chemical reactions, far different from the wintertime temperatures in the Basin. In order to properly model the…
CAMx Snow Cover Treatment
Wintertime ozone is a serious air quality issue in the Uinta Basin. The situation is unique and requires improvements to the photochemical models used for winter conditions. High concentrations of wintertime ozone occur over snow-covered surfaces. Snow cover influences wintertime ozone by increasing surface albedo and thus increasing photolysis rates, inhibiting the surface deposition of…
DEQ Forecasters Keep Their Eyes on the Sky during Ozone Season
By Kimberly Kreykes Like many people, my day starts with the weather forecast. Not just because it is my passion, but because it is my responsibility to stay informed — I am the lead air-quality forecaster for the Utah Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ’s) Division of Air Quality (DAQ). Along with two other DAQ forecasters,…