Department of Environmental Quality

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Methamphetamine Decontamination Specialist Certification Program

In response to methamphetamine use, clandestine drug labs, and the growing concern over the nature of potential health effects associated with residual methamphetamine in the environment, the Utah State Legislature passed the Illegal Drug Operations Site Reporting and Decontamination Act during the 2004 General Session. In short, the law provides a mechanism for the cleanup of methamphetamine contamination in excess of decontamination standards as well as certification by local health departments that a contaminated property has been cleaned up to established standards.

The Decontamination Specialist Certification Program is designed to assist in helping ensure that personnel in charge of decontamination are trained to perform cleanups and knowledgeable of established decontamination standards; to develop methods whereby an applicant can demonstrate competency and obtain certification to become a certified decontamination specialist; to protect the public health and environment; and to provide for the health and safety of personnel involved in decontamination activities.

Decontamination Specialist List

General Information

Application and Information

Exam Information



Utah Department of Health Links

EPA Voluntary Guidelines

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