Department of Environmental Quality

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Advisory Committee: Utah State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)

The SERC established an advisory committee to allow for a greater diversity of input into SERC decisions. As provided by Utah Administrative Rule R698-5-3 the State Hazardous Chemical Emergency Response Commission Advisory Committee’s duties are to provide direction to the SERC in the following matters:

  • The creation, modification or dissolving of Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs).
  • Methods and procedures to improve the effectiveness of the LEPC.
  • The review of LEPC hazardous materials emergency response plans.
  • The development of procedures for collection, processing, use and public access to information submitted as required by EPCRA.
  • Procedures for the distribution of funding to each LEPC obtained through the US Department of Transportation hazardous materials emergency preparedness grant.
  • Assist in stated hazardous materials emergency response planning efforts.
  • The review of the statewide hazardous materials plan.

SERC Advisory Committee Members

January 20, 2019

Sector Name Company Term Expiration
Environmental Cleanup Contractors John Hart
Envirocare December 2021
Environmental Interest Groups Thomas Cova
University of Utah October 2021
Fixed Site Regulated Industries Vacant Unspecified
Brock Carter
Andeavor September 2021
Hazardous Chemical Transportation Industry Vacant Unspecified
Hazardous Materials Advisory Council Art Deyo ( Utah Fire Marshal’s Office Unspecified
General Public Sonja Wallace
Ambient Group September 2021
Jim Buchanan
Adjunct Faculty – Salt Lake Community College December 2020
Local Health Departments Ron Lund ( Salt Lake County Health Department Unspecified
Rural LEPC Cody Barton
Sevier County June 2022
Urban LEPC Doug Bitton
Layton City June 2022
Utah National Guard Not Specified

The advisory committee meets at least quarterly, generally just prior to the SERC quarterly meeting. For information or to submit an application for membership on the Advisory Committee, contact the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation: (801) 536-4100

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