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Assessment Grant Funding: Petroleum Storage Tank Branch

Persons interested in having their property assessed using available petroleum brownfields grant monies will work with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to determine if their site is eligible for funding assistance. The following criteria will be used to determine site eligibility:

  • the site is relatively low-risk;
    • LUST-Trust funds are not currently being used;
    • the site is not currently subject to a response under the Oil Pollution Act;
  • the site has no “viable responsible party;”
  • the person assessing or investigating the site is not potentially liable for the cleanup of the site; and,
  • the site is not subject to any order issued under section 9003(h) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act.

If you are interested in more information about the potential uses of the petroleum brownfields grant monies, and/or would like to discuss your site eligibility, please fill out the application form (link provided below entitled “Grant Application Form”), and submit it to the DEQ for review. We will contact you to discuss your application and the site assessment process.

Comments or Questions

All questions and comments may be directed to Avery Holyoak (aholyoak@utah.gov).

Last Updated:


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