Department of Environmental Quality

Division Links

DERR Payment Portal: Shopping Cart

Paying online

  • View fee amounts when completing payment online (instructions below), or in the DEQ Fee schedule
  • Electronic checks are required for any transactions $4,000 or higher

PST Certifications

How to apply & pay

  1. All applicants must submit a notarized Citizenship/Alien ID Certification Form (this is a one-time only requirement)
  2. Fill out application PDF (below)
  3. Pay fee online
  4. Attach a copy of your receipt and supporting documents
  5. Email all to

UST Testing

UST testing is offered the first Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM and the third Tuesday of each month at 2:00 PM. You must register 5 days prior to the exam date.

Third-Party B Inspector Registration

Groundwater and Soil Sampler Certification

Installer Certification

Remover Certification

Tester Certification


Class A/B Operator Registration, or UST Certification

Chelsea, (801) 536-4100

Petroleum Storage Tank Fees

About tank fees

UST Compliance info

Annual Registration Fee and PST Fund Fee

  • Enter the Facility ID and invoice # in the “additional information” box in the payment portal
  • Pay the amount indicated on the invoice that we sent to you
  • If your invoice lists multiple fees, pay the full invoice total. Do not split into multiple transactions.

UST Installation Company Annual Fee

  • Enter the invoice # in the “additional information” box in the payment portal
  • Pay the amount indicated on the invoice that we sent to you

Alternative Mechanism Annual Fee

  • Enter the invoice # in the “additional information” box in the payment portal
  • Pay the amount indicated on the invoice that we sent to you

UST Installation Permit Fees

Enter in the “additional information” box on the payment portal:

  • Facility name
  • Address
  • DERR facility ID (if available)
  • Permit number (if available)

Your DERR project manager can provide the exact amount of the permit fee.

AST Notification Fee

One time notification fee for aboveground petroleum storage tanks.

Enter your Facility ID # and invoice # in the “additional information” box on the payment portal.

Leaking Petroleum Storage Tanks Cleanup Oversight

Facilities not on the PST Fund are required to reimburse the state for time spent overseeing the cleanup of petroleum spills.

In the payment portal, select Oversight Costs and include the invoice # and release id in the “additional information” box.


Underground Storage Tank Branch – (801) 536-4100

Decontamination Specialist Certification

About the Methamphetamine Decontamination Specialist Certification Program

How to apply & pay

  1. Fill out the application(s) (below)
  2. Pay fee online
  3. Email application and these supporting documents to
    • Proof of Citizenship form
    • OSHA HAZWOPER Certificate
    • Payment receipt

Initial exam

Renewal exam

Retest exam

An Applicant is allowed by rule to re-take the initial or renewal exam within one month of the original test date, without submitting a new application, if the Applicant fails the first exam. Prior to the exam, pay the fee and email payment receipt to


Leigh Anderson – 536-4100.

Enforceable Written Assurance

About Enforceable Written Assurance

How to apply & pay

  1. Fill out the application (below)
  2. Pay fee online
  3. Email application and these supporting documents to
    • Site Eligibility Report
    • Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments
    • Initial payment receipt
    • Include applicant’s name and a brief description of the site



Additional costs that exceed the application fee will be billed to the applicant as stated in the Enforceable Written Assurance application and in accordance with DEQ’s Fee Schedule (linked at top of this page). 

In the payment portal, select Oversight Costs and include the invoice # and site name in the “additional information” box.


Bill Rees – , (801) 536-4100

Voluntary Cleanup Program

About the Voluntary Cleanup Program

How to apply & pay

  1. Fill out the application (below)
  2. Pay fee online
  3. Email application and supporting information to
    • Legal description
    • Environmental Assessment
    • Initial payment receipt
    • Include applicant’s name and a brief description of the site



Additional costs that exceed the application fee will be billed to the applicant as stated in the Voluntary Cleanup Agreement and in accordance with DEQ’s Fee Schedule (linked at top of this page). 

In the payment portal, select Oversight Costs and include the invoice # and site name in the “additional information” box.

Grama Requests and Oversight Cost

GRAMA request

For prearranged payment resulting from a GRAMA request.

In the payment portal, include this info in the “additional information” box:

  • Your name
  • Facility ID# or site name for the documents you are paying for

Oversight Costs Fee

To reimburse the State for time spent overseeing work for programs such as Voluntary Cleanup Program, Enforceable Written Assurance, and Leaking Underground and Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks Cleanup.

In the payment portal, include this info in the “additional information” box:

  • Site name
  • Invoice # you are paying

Last Updated:


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