Used oil may be processed for energy recovery, by removing water and particulates so that it can be used as fuel to generate heat or to power industrial operations. This form of recycling of used oil is not as preferable a method as re-refining, because it only enables the oil to be reused once. Nonetheless, valuable energy is provided (about the same as provided by normal heating oil).
Used oil burned for energy recovery, and any fuel produced from used oil by processing, blending, or other treatment, is subject to regulation under Standards for the Management of Used Oil (R315-15). It may be burned by on-specification burners who have an approval order issued by the Division of Air Quality if it is shown not to exceed any of the allowable limits, see R315-15-1.2 Table 1
If the used oil does not exceed any of the specifications, it is not subject to the Standards for Used Oil Burners Who Burn Used Oil for Energy Recovery, (R315-15-6) and may be burned as heating fuel.
An off-specification used oil burner is a facility where used oil not meeting the specification requirements is burned for energy recovery. These facilities include industrial furnaces, boilers, hazardous waste incinerators and some approved used oil-fired space heaters.
For more information about the Used Oil Program, please contact Ted Sonnenburg (, (385) 499-0980.